Chapter 16: The Owl

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My eyes scanned the book that I am currently holding. Behind the cover of that book, there was a familiar symbol. I rubbed my chin before glancing through the shelves of the library. "I can't be wrong," I uttered.

The book in my hands is one of the Minerva books in the library.

Since I memorized the morse code when I was still Y/N. I did not have a problem decoding the coded message on the owl symbol behind this cover.

I laughed softly at myself when I remember what kind of stupid things I have done when I was Y/N. I used to use morse code with my friends when we have exams... Tapping our tables to ask for the right answers...


.... .- .-. ...- . ... -

"Harvest," I uttered

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"Harvest," I uttered. My hands caressed the symbol. "I can't be wrong, Phil draw this symbol in his paper," I closed the book and placed it back on the shelves. I took my bunny to a table and sat on a chair.

I know that there are a lot of Minerva books in this library. Each of those books has a coded message at the inner part of the cover. This coded message has a great connection to the plot. This is the hidden message of William Minerva for the orphans.

And the one who discovered these messages is Phil... 

but it was Emma who exposed it.

My face lit up when I realized something. Could it be that Phil already decoded the messages before Emma and Norman found about the demons? It might be possible since Phil is an intelligent kid.

Unlike me who only remembered my past life. I know that Phil wasn't an ordinary kid.

I rubbed my chin and my lips curved into a smile."I wonder if he already decoded it," I uttered. The image of the drawing in Phil's hand appeared in my mind. "If he does, then I wonder if he intentionally showed it to me." 

I suddenly heard footsteps. My eyes went to the door when I saw a silhouette of a boy. It was Ray who has a bored look on his face. He only stands on the door while placing his hands in his pockets.

I was actually expecting him to be here. When I left our room I know that he wasn't sleeping, but it took 30 minutes for him to follow me here.  Ray walked in my direction."What did you write in that paper?"He questioned. 

My brows wrinkled "What paper?" 

He halted and stared at me seriously."The one that Norman burned," He said. "I saw you writing in that paper. What did you say to him?"

My lips formed an 'O' shape when he mentioned it. Turns out that he was talking about the coded paper that I gave to Norman. I didn't know that he noticed it, I thought that he is focused on arguing with Emma and Don.

I smiled and placed my index finger on my lips. "It's a secret," I giggled. "You might nag me to death if I told you. Conny doesn't want  that to happen." Then I winked at him.  I rose from my seat and hold my bunny tightly.

I walked past to him and went to the door. I want to take a nap already.

 "Will you help Norman to escape?" I halted when I heard him said that. I turned around and glanced at his serious face. "Is that the reason why you hinted at him?" He asked again. A smile appeared on my lips.

"Yes, I will help him," I said in a reassuring tone. "We need to save Norman."

"How will you save him?" He asked.

A laugh escaped from my lips while thinking of my little plan. I can't tell it to him for now. Not know but..."You will know soon!" I said with a smile. My eyes went to my toes. "Do not worry, this plan will definitely work! I assure you!"

Ray frowned as he averted his gaze.

He suddenly went silent. 

Ray stared in my face as if he is observing me. "You said you wanted me to help you," He said. I raised my head to glance at his face. His lips pursed a little. "I have something... to tell you..." He uttered. 

He glanced at me again. "If you can accept it then you have to use it."

I stared at his eyes and I noticed that there was a mixed expression on his face. I can't point them out one by one but there are two main expressions on his face.

Determination and hesitation.

I have an idea but what do you want to tell me, Ray? 

I carefully tilted my head "What is it?" I asked.

Ray clutched his fist. He pursed his lips and remained silent for a while. When I noticed these little actions, I stared at him calmly with a smile. 

I want to make him comfortable. I want to erase those hesitations in him.

His eyes staggered for a moment and took a deep breath. A smirk appeared on his face when he calmed down. "Conny," He called my name. "I am a sp---"

"It's already 3 a.m." A voice of a woman said. My body stiffened. I immediately glanced behind my back and saw a woman towering over me. "What are you doing in this place?" Her deep violet eyes were looking down on me.

She is calm but there was a dark expression on her face. Her glance is terrifying and it was very different from the warm person I usually saw as Conny. Because of this expression, I did not notice that my hands are already trembling.

"Mom..." I uttered.

"Why the both of you are still up?" She asked again.

I immediately calm myself as I tried to control my tremble. I can't be terrified of her. 

She's still my mom. She's still Isabella. 

I wiped out the shock in my face and glanced at Ray who was also stoned behind my back.

"Mom..." I called her softly. My eyes went back to her deep violet eyes. A smile appeared on my lips as I calmly replied to her. "I had a nightmare about monsters, I went here to read some stories," I said softly.

The dark expression on her face vanished, and look confusedly at me. Her eyes went to Ray who was standing behind me. She closed her eyes and let out a smile. "It's not good for a kid to stay late at night," She uttered before bringing her eyes to me. "You should sleep again."

She turned around with the lamp in her hands

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She turned around with the lamp in her hands. She left us without telling a word.

Silence filled the library as I took a deep breath. "Ray..." I uttered as I watched Mama Isabella to disappear. The bunny in my hands almost fell before glancing at him. 


"Mom knows something..."

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