Chapter 37

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"If I was in your position, I'd think of a way to destroy that contract first," Leona shared.

"But those contracts are indestructible," Grim whined.

Something clicked in my head, "Or...they appear to be."

"At least one person has a brain in Ramshackle," Leona groaned.

"They're still the type to get scammed really quick," Ruggie categorized us. "Why did you believe Azul when he said the contract was indestructible so easily?"

"Our attacks had no effect on it," Jack told them.

"Didn't the possibility of it all just being a performance cross your mind?" Ruggie scoffed.

"Every magic ability has a weakness. No matter how great a magician is, everyone has their limits. So that's why Azul's so called invincible 'It's a Deal' isn't all that invincible," Leona wrapped things up.

"Wow, Leona can actually say some profound things," I gasped.

"Shut it runt!"

"Azul's unique magic has a weak point," Jack collected his thought out loud. "Instead of trying to defeat the Leech brothers in the sea, we might be able to find their weakness up here. So that's what we have to do to win?"

"Sounds like a safe foundation to build a plan on," I rubbed my hands together.

"But doesn't it seem like cheating?" Jack bashfully asked.

"You know what Jack," Ruggie said in a tired tone, "it's good you have morals and all, but you aren't going to pick up a good fight with Azul on land."

"To put it this way, those guys tricked naïve herbivores into signing away their magic," Leona paraphrased. "Why are you holding back? Whether it's cheating or not, if you win you will be able to nullify the contract."

"Kuu! That's our Leona for you! Bad to the bone," Ruggie cheered.

Yuu facepalmed, "You haven't learned a single thing from the tournament, have you?"

Leona just gave them a smirk, "Didn't I tell you before? I do whatever it takes."

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth," I muttered.

"Alright! We got two days. Now let's go to Azul and destroy those contracts!" Jack said with determination.

"Let's do our best!" Yuu cheered with him.

"Ok then, do your best little ones," Leona wished us luck.

Grim jumped from my lap and gasped, "Eh? You told us all this info and you aren't going to help us?"

"Why would I?" Leona crossed his arms. "I already did you a huge service by giving you hints. The rest is on you guys. Bye." He got up and left the lounge.

Ruggie followed in his train, "I'm out too. Good luck guys."

"Thanks," Yuu said after them.

"So cruel!" Grim exclaimed.

"Shush, they actually helped a lot," I flicked Grim's ear.


The next day, we reconvened with Ace and Deuce in the hallways. We told them of the plan we formed that night. We were filled with a new sense of energy and ready for the next trial.

"Find a way to destroy the contracts? Sounds like a plan, but we're gonna have to play dirty," Ace excitedly agreed.

"Even though it's cowardly, this way we may be able to get what we want," Deuce reasoned.

"Shut up! We don't have time to worry about if we are following the rules!" Grim snapped at him.

"Even if this is cheating, Azul is doing no different," Jack backed up the plan. "Sending us to go steal a photo in the ocean and planning to get in our way from the beginning... Leona may be a coward at times, but he is smart. I think we should give it a try."

"I think we're saying the word 'coward' too much..." Deuce whispered.

"Hmm...Just thinking about when the twins were chasing us underwater sends chills down my spine," Grim whimpered.

"Just thinking about going underwater again makes me want to cry," I whined.

"A challenge of speed..." Deuce muttered. "We could have beaten them if I could only use my magic wheel underwater."

"Yeah, we know," Ace brushed Deuce's comment off. "Even so...mermaids huh? The Leech brothers are eels, so does Azul have a different form while underwater too?"

"Now that you mention it, Leona always calls him an 'octopus'..." Jack brought up.

I slapped my hand onto the side of my forehead, "All those comments about the 'shady octopus' makes sense now!"

"So, if he has more legs underwater, he might be even stronger than the eels!" Grim predicted.

"That's why I'm saying we need to find a way to fight them that doesn't involve us going underwater," Jack said sternly.

"We have to find the contracts first," Yuu reminded us.

"It's probably in that safe in the VIP room of Mostro Lounge," I guessed.

Grim pumped his fist in the air, "If that's it, then let's go infiltrate Octavinelle!"

"There shouldn't be anyone there since it's lunch break right now. Let's go check it out," Deuce encouraged.

"We're really going to break in," Yuu sighed. "Fabulous."

It was a hop, skip, and a jump from the main building to the Octavinelle dorms. We crept into the VIP lounge 'Scooby-Doo style'. Grim led the way. He whispered back to us, "Everything's clear! Follow me!"

"We are going to get into so much trouble if we're caught," Yuu whispered.

"He's right though. It looks like there is no one here," Jack confirmed.

"I have a very bad feeling about this," I warned in a hushed tone. We stood in the office lounge of our opponent and searched every nook and cranny. I stood closer to the door as Deuce went up to the safe.

"The safe requires a passcode and a key. This is going to be difficult," Deuce updated. He examined the safe with Ace butting in every now and again.

I began to pace the room. I would press my ear to the door every once in a while, to check to see if I heard anyone coming.

Ah, great. We are turning into safe crackers too!? Is this just a fantasy version of Mission Impossible? Is that the story I'm in now? I was really hoping that if I got poofed into another world it would be more like a romantic chick-flick!

I sighed when Jack stiffened by the desk. His ears twitched and did the satellite motion I had seen in dogs. "Someone's coming," he whisper-yelled. I leaned my head on the door to hear faint footsteps down the hall.

"Crap,hide!" Ace said. They all ducked under the large desk. I scrambled about theroom. I shimmied my way under one of the couches. It paid to be smallsometimes. I could hear angry whispering from the others. It was soon silenced.I heard the door to the office open and barely managed to see a pair of feetcome into view.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now