Chapter 36

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We all fell through the Dark Mirror into the mirror chamber. Our uniforms were soaked and dripped with water. Deuce sat back on his hands and panted, "Is everyone alright?"

I flinched as I felt the water drip from my hair on my face and my binding chaffing on my skin. I curled up into a ball on the floor. My everything was shaking.

"Viv?" whoever called my name was drowned out by the pounding in my head. "Vivienne!"

"Just...give me a minute please..." I whispered.

"I can't believe those guys are mermaids," Jack muttered.

"It felt like we were being chased by sharks!" Grim compared. "It's not fair they can swim that fast."

"We don't stand a chance against mermaids underwater," Ace sighed.

I uncurled myself with a large gulp of air. "We-we have to push through though," I exhaled. "If we don't get that pic, we lose Ramshackle."

"We need to think of another plan," Deuce suggested.

"Yeah, I don't think Viv can handle going back underwater right now anyway..." Yuu placed a hand on my head.

Ace asked, "What happened to you down there anyway Viv?"

I blinked at him a few times. I fiddled with my braids, "Oh, yeah, about that...I have, uh, aquaphobia."

"Eh?!" Ace let out. "Does that mean you're spooked by water? Why'd you come then?!"

"I wanted to help! It's my dorm too, so I should do something!" I yelled back. My voice went a bit higher than I wanted.

"You're squeaking like a mouse in a teacup! There has to be a better way for you to help that doesn't involve Yuu or Jack dragging you around in the waves!" Ace dug in.

Deuce stepped in, "Ace, quit it! Shee-shear! The shear amount of courage it took Viv to come help even though they are terrified is something we shouldn't take for granted!" He gave me an apologetic look. Yuu put a hand on their forehead to cover their eyes.

Ace sighed. "Well, I'm going to ask our info broker, Cater, for help," Ace announced.

"Let's go back to the Savanaclaw dorm and talk to Ruggie and Leona," Jack said to me an Yuu.

"That sounds good," Yuu agreed.

"Plus, we need to change. Like, as soon as possible please," I squirmed.


"What the heck happened to you guys?" Ruggie asked as we walked into the dorm. We left a trail of water as we went.

"We'll tell you later," Yuu sighed. "First, a nice warm shower sounds great about now."

Jack nodded, "That sounds good to me."

"Ah, Leona is playing a game of chess some first year challenged him to, so you don't have to worry about waking him up in his room," Ruggie informed us.

"Great, I wasn't going to be careful anyway," I said as I stretched my arms.

Yuu and I walked back to Leona's room with Grim. Jack followed behind. When we got to the room Yuu went to their bag and grabbed their dorm uniform from their bag. I went and shuffled my things around in my bag to buy some time.

"I'll show you guys to the showers," Jack offered. Yuu walked back to the doorway while I stayed in place. Jack raised an eyebrow at me. "Are you coming Viv?"

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