Chapter 10- The Love We Hold Dear

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I was the son of a Duke and Duchess. 

But unlike my father who had been born into wealth, my mother crawled her way to the title. My mother, Nevaeh, had been his mistress, they cheated on father's first wife, kicking her out of the Dukedom before making mother the new Duchess.

Father realised his mistake too late, because mother was not the innocent Cinderella that she had masked herself to be, she was a witch. And by the time that father realised he wanted his first wife back, she was no longer interested in him.

Clyde told me about my father's first wife, apparently, she was an amazing Duchess and business woman who was severely underappreciated in her time as the Duchess, but I often hear that she's living a better life now in Germany with a husband that knew how to appreciate her.

Her name is Angelina Vandenburg, she's now one of the most influential people in the world. And my mother hated her, which naturally caused me to love her.

And I wonder if she's one of the guests that's here to witness my wedding today?

I stared at my reflection, a little bit of doubt in my eyes at what day it was today, the surreal feeling fawning over me like the quiet whispering of wild wind, telling me that this was real. That today is my wedding day.

"Your grace..." The stern voice of Clyde lulled me out of my daze as I looked away from my reflection and to the old man that stood by the door to my room.

"What is it, Clyde?" I curiously asked, fixing the cufflinks on my wrist.

"I have something for you," He stepped forward, and I stared at the black box that sat in his outstretched hand, waiting to be opened by me.

"What is it?" I asked, opening the box.

"Your fathers' tie clip, the first son of the Moretti family has always worn this on their wedding day, it was in your grandfathers will that you be given this on your wedding day," I glared at the gold clip, already hating it.

Why should I be expected to wear such a diabolical thing on such a beautiful day? Just because it belonged to my father, and my grandfather, and so on.

"I would much rather wear yours, Clyde... Let's swap," Pulling out the tie clip from its box, the old man blinked, surprised.

"But, your grace-"

"This would suit you more than it ever would me, I want you to have it. And I want to wear your one," I held his hand, placing the gold clip on it, and took off the one that I had already had clipped onto my tie, throwing it to the side, waiting for Clyde to give me his.

"But my clip is such a cheap one that I bought from the marketplace years ago-"

"I do not care in the slightest," I pushed.

After much thought, he gave in with a sigh, taking the clip off his tie, and I stood there, waiting for him to put it on me. And with a small, happy smile on his face, he clipped it onto my tie, and I took the gold one from him, putting it onto his own tie.

I spun around to look at my reflection one last time, my light brown hair styled and pushed back, my green eyes filled with both nerves and excitement, dressed in a black tux with a single rose on my breast pocket, a Rolex watch sparkling on my wrist, and my best cologne sprayed on; and I smiled at my reflection. This is as ready as I will ever be for anything.

"Now, I am ready to go meet my wife,"

By the time that I had reached the altar, my patience was wearing thin, and any sane person could tell, the sound of young children laughing, the guests chatting amongst each other, people snapping pictures of me while they still could, and Clyde stood by me as we all waited for my fiancée to make her appearance.

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