Chapter 3- Funeral Measurements

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"This is quite grand for a breakfast," Alina stated, eyes travelling up and down the long table, before pausing at the empty plate in front of her.

"Is it?" I asked, I wouldn't know. Breakfast was like this for me every day.

I nodded at the few maids that were stood hanging around the room, and they didn't waste a second in stepping forward and filling our plates with an array of different foods, from croissants to eggs, bacon, and more.

"Tea or coffee?"I asked as the maid poured me a cup of green tea.

"Tea, please... Thank you," She smiled at the maid, I was taken aback for a moment. Unlike me, who didn't bother noticing their existence, she was here talking to them so politely. I should learn from her.

"Do you live in this large place all alone?" She curiously asked, picking up the porcelain teacup and observing the intricate designs on it before delicately placing her lips on the edge, tilting it back a bit as she inhaled the earl grey tea.

"Yes, I have no family to live with you see. It has just been me, and me alone, living in this estate for as long as I can remember," She paused, eyes rushing up to meet mine as she placed the cup back on its saucer. "My parents were murdered in this very estate when I was a child," I found the need to tell her, but still, I kept the part where I was happy about it hidden.

"I'm... Sorry, for prying," She regretfully sighed.

"Why would you be sorry?" I chuckled, digging into my own food. "You don't have a clue on the kind of life that I have been living, and there is nothing wrong with curiosity," I spared her a glance as I bit into my croissant.

"They say curiosity killed the cat," She whispered, shrugging her shoulders as she followed me in diving into her own plateful of food.

"...But satisfaction brought it back," I finished for her.

"...Oh," She hummed, apparently not having known the second part of that famous saying.

"The drawing room has been prepared for your appointment, signorina. If there is anything you need then please let me know," Clyde said as he walked into the room, and I watched as Alina's eyes lit up as she nodded at him with a grateful smile.

And so, half an hour or so later, I stood in front of a full-length mirror in one of the many living rooms that this mansion contained, waiting for Alina as she stumbled through her bag, pulling out a few things that she would need.

"This suit is for a funeral, right?" She asked, pulling out the measuring tape.

My ears rang with the sound of her words as I felt my breath catch in my throat. And when I blinked, opening my eyes once more, I gulped at the woman as she pulled her hair back, tying it up into a messy bun, the hair bobble hanging from her lips. Who knew watching someone do something as simple as tying their hair could put butterflies in your stomach?

Quickly snapping out of my reverie, I nodded my head.

"Correct, my grandfather's funeral is next week, so I'll be needing the suit by then," I guess that old mans' death did bring something good out of it, her arrival.

"That won't be a problem," She said, coming to stand in front of me, and in that awkward moment in which our eyes met, she smiled a cute smile, leaning forward until she was but a breath away from me, wrapping the measuring tape around my waist, and taking a step back to look at the number before scribbling it down on her notepad.

She continued onto my chest, and then my arm. Putting the tape on my shoulder and trailing it down to my wrist, wondering to herself what would be the best fit.

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