End Synopsis.

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I'm leaving this fandom, this was very very fun to write, but I guess I'm just done with Takagi in general.

Both are bland as fuck characters, and I'm tired of writing about them. ( especially since I love angst so much)

This is what was supposed to happen after this point in the story.

Yosuke becomes a teacher. ( temporarily) and Nishikata and Takagi become really close.

It is revealed that because of Takagi's mistake, Claire thought Yosuke was cheating on her and she overdosed on pills, this caused her to go in a coma.

This caused yosuke to almost kill himself before he went back to live with his family.

Nishikata invited Takagi and yosuke to his farmhouse , and it turns out to be the same farmhouse where yosuke had gone with Claire.

Yosuke figures out that Nishikata and Claire's family together own the large architecture firm.

Claire's family is suspicious that Yosuke just used Claire, that's why he doesn't get that many visits to Claire's hospital room. Now if Takagi starts dating Nishikata, Claire's family will be 100% certain that Yosuke just wants their money. So yosuke can't let them get together.

Now Yosuke first forbids Takagi from ever dating Nishikata without any explanation.

When that doesn't work, He steps in to try to ruin their relationship. It doesn't matter how much he cares about his sister, Yosuke doesn't want to loose claire.

*yosuke was the villain of this story all along lmao*

Nishikata and Kusanagi also get close during this time , because of their train models.

So yosuke starts a small electrical fire and blames it on takagi, this makes Nishikata become really angry on takagi. But takagi knows she didn't do anything, but Nishikata doesn't listen so she gets angry too.

Kusanagi's best Friend "A" falls in love with him and so she asks kusanagi to give Nishikata her love letter .

Kusanagi does that, and But the whole thing is spotted by takagi and her friends. Takagi becomes sad, and yukari spreads rumors about Nishikata and Kusanagi.

Kusanagi has a fight with A over the rumors ( since A got rejected since Nishikata didn't even know her) . Kusanagi had a crush on B who I'd As twin brother, they were secretly gonna start dating at the start of high school, but because of the rumors kusanagi's best friend and boyfriend ditch her.

Nishikata is real mad at takagi ( because her friends spread the rumors) also because Kusanagi vents to Nishikata about everything while crying.

This causes a big fight between them with takagi refusing to apologize because she's innocent ( again just like the time the models were burnt down by yosuke)

They don't talk to each other for a month.

Mano gets a plan to bring them together by writing two love letters one to Nishikata and one to takagi, They both think that the other sent a love letter and the come together..

What an absolutely amazing plan! What could go wrong?

Things go very wrong.

Takagi figures out what mano had done , and she decides she can use this to confess to him finally.

But Nishikata is mad. Really mad.
This results in these two images.

Then Yosukes plan succeeds, he has made sure ( by manipulating kusanagi) that Nishikata and takagi will not get together.

Takagi finds out what he has done.

Takagi tells her side of the story of how her parents were never satisfied with her and always put yosuke like a goal, She tells how she didn't recieve any affection ( other than the times she accidentally was better at something compared to yosuke)

She wanted some kind of affection from her brother but she never got that she only got hatred.

Yosuke realized that both he and His sister were victims of the bad parenting of his parents.

Takagi says that she doesn't have a brother and storms off.

Yosuke tries to fix his mistakes but it's too late. Nishikata and kusanagi become even more close since they are each other's only support and kiss each other.

Effectively Takagi is crying every night and Nishikata is dating Kusanagi and it's his fault. It's all Yosukes fault..

Yosuke once again tries to commit suicide after visiting Claire for the first time in a few months.

He gets admitted into hospital.

Bad end- 1
Yosuke dies , Takagi spirals into uncontrollable depression, The takagi family decide to move away from sodoshima island.

She never forgives yosuke. Nishikata never sees takagi again

Bad end- 2
Yosuke dies , Takagi spirals into uncontrollable depression, The takagi family decide to move away from sodoshima island.

She forgives yosuke. Nishikata never sees takagi again.

Neutral end - 1
Yosuke dies , Takagi spirals into uncontrollable depression, The takagi family decide to move away from sodoshima island.

She forgives yosuke.

Takagi meets nishikata again in college and they make up and become friends but he's faithful to his girlfriend ( now fiancé ) kusanagi. ( by now they really live each other)

They remain friends but there is no chance for romance.

Neutral end - 2
Yosuke dies , Takagi spirals into uncontrollable depression, The takagi family decide to move away from sodoshima island.

She forgives yosuke.

Kusanagi realizes that their relationship is just them holding onto each other and, this is not healthy. They break up on good terms and stay friends even after that , but obviously they are so close for so long thay Nishikata loses his virginity.

Takagi meets Nishikata again in college, then they become friends again, and then the have a romantic relationship.

Neutral Ending - 3

Yosuke survives and Apologizes, everything becomes good and Claire also wakes up from coma. Takagi forgives yosuke.

Yosuke and Claire live happily ever after .

But Nishikata and takagi don't get together because he loves kusanagi.

Good ending

Yosuke lives, Claire and yosuke live happily ever after and Kusanagi realizes that their relationship is just them holding onto each other and, this is not healthy. They break up on good terms and stay friends even after that.

Then takagi confesses to nishikata and they get together.

Poly ending because I can

Nishikata , Takagi and Kusanagi get into a polygamous relationship. *cue insanely hot threesome smut* lmao.

It's a bit weird to think that Takagi only ends up with nishikata in 2 out of 7 endings.

Kusanagi was supposed to be a really likable, kind and nice girl so as to make the audience confuse who to root for.

I wish I had the motivation to continue but I don't. And I'm tired of pretending so, Atleast I wanna tie up any lose ends.

This was really fun, and if you have any questions just ask in the comments of the paragraphs.

If anyone wants to re write or use/continue my fic Using this plot, then please go ahead and do so, you have my full permission.

All of You is All of Me [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें