Chapter Twenty Five

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                      R O S A B E L L E

"Please stop." I shouted but they didn't stop. I stood there helplessly as Nick and Senior Link beat each other mercilessly.

"STOP!" I shouted on top of my lungs with tears running down my cheeks and both of them stopped. By now, all the maids and other people living in the mansion were already standing there watching them with wide eyes.

I went straight towards Nick who was glaring at Senior Link before slapping him right across the cheek. He stood there dumbstruck but I didn't wait for about his reaction and turn towards Senior Link before slapping him. Stupid men.

Without another word I turn back and walked inside wiping my tears with the back of my sleeves.

Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back with force that my cheeks meet with his hard toned chest.

"Fucking leave me." I hissed at him but he didn't budge.

"Your vacation is over, love." Was all he replied before turning towards the maids who were looking at us. "Leave us alone." He said and they nodded before rushing out.

He turn towards me with rage but his gaze soften when his eyes met mine. "You look thin." He said as he slowly wrap his arms around me and I didn't fight. He look horrible with unshaved beards and bags and dark circles under his eyes. He look like he haven't slept for a long time.

"Did she left you again? Is that why you are here." I hissed at him angrily.

He wiped my tears away with his thump. "Belle, what makes you think I like her when let alone her presence makes me want to kill her."

"She hugged you, Nick and you didn't even tried to pull away." I sobbed. I know I sound ridiculous. This is what pregnancy hormones does to you. "And if there was nothing going on between you two why didn't you find me earlier. Why now?"

"She had something I need that's why I wasn't able too, my love. But don't worry I don't need that thing anymore." He said before burying his head in the crock of my neck. "I need you."

"Why didn't you find me earlier." I whispered.

"Louisa told me to give you some space. She told me to leave you alone for some time. But I couldn't take it anymore." He replied running is nose up and down my neck. I pushed him away and he look at me with confusion written all over his face.

"I'm done Nick. If she come back again, I know you'll go back to her. Just do me a favour and let me go. Leave me the fuck alone." I said and he frowned. "I'll sign the divorce paper sent it to you."

I didn't wait for his answers and ran up straight to my room before locking it incase he try to enter.

I can't. I shouldn't and I won't. I know Arabelle won't leave us alone. She won't rest until she gets what she want and now that I have another life growing inside me I can't risk it.

"Belle open the door." Nick shouted from outside banging on the door.

"No." I shouted back before sitting down on my arm chair and picking up my unfinished pregnancy book that I was reading earlier.

"Open the fucking door, Rosabelle." He shouted as he kept on banging which irritated me. I set the book down before wearing my over sized hoodie to cover my bump. He might have not noticed it before because he didn't ask or say anything and it better stay that way.

I swung open the door scowling at him and he pushed me inside before pining me on the near by wall.

"Mr Ivanov, leave me alone or i'll call cops on you for invading my privacy." I said in a cold tone without looking at him. He grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him with a death glare.

"Rosabelle, don't fucking test my patience." He growled before leaning in close to my ear. "You are mine and only mine."

I pushed him away with pull force and he stumbled back. "Incase you might have forgotten. We made a deal Mr. Ivanov." I said before reaching for my drawer. I took out the agreement that we made before handing it over to him.

"Six months are up." I replied before sitting down on the bed.

"But. . . . but you didn't sign it." He murmured.

"I did signed it. You can see it yourself." I said and he kneeled down infront of me before grabbing both my hands.

"Belle, please don't do this." He pleaded but it was of no use. The only thing I felt was numb. Something kept on telling me 'Arabelle will return' and I can't risk my baby's life.

"I'm sorry, Nick." I replied and my voice cracked at the end. "I can't do this anymore."

I pulled my hand out of his grasp and stood up not daring to look at him because I know i'll break down any minute if I look into his eyes.

"Mr Ivanov my lawyer will bring you the divorce paper tomorrow after I sign it. Hope we never meet again." I left the room leaving Nick dumbstruck there. I locked myself up in the guest room and cried to my heart.

This hurts like hell but I have to do this.

For the sake of my child.

'This is his child too, Belle. Don't you think he have the right to know about it.'

"But I can't risk my baby's life. Arabelle will do everything to kill me and my baby and I can't let that happen." I said to myself as I wiped my tears. "Nick has every right to know but if him knowing about my pregnancy will risk my baby's life then I won't tell him."

I rubbed my baby bump under my hoodie caressing it. "I will do everything to protect you. Just know that your mama loves you and is doing this for you. Forgive me for hiding you from you father but I have do this."

"I will protect you with my life. I promise."

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