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(Since a few of you wanted more or were confused if it did end up working-out, here ya go <3 )

Shoto stared at the opened cards that laid in his nightstand's drawer with a confounded look gracing his face. He was feeling extremely conflicted.

It's been a few months now, and he'd been working side-by-side with the League of Villains under the alias of 'Tokumei'. He's been using his fire side and intellect of the future the villains had written for themselves in his original time.

Out of fear and worry everything would crumble away and change forever, he decided to keep the letters stashed away from their rightful owners, and inside a nightstand drawer by his bedside he checked daily for guidance. He worried that by giving each villain their corresponding letters, they would outcast him or never want him around anymore.

What if they do what they asked of themselves and end up creating some sort of time paradox?

It was a complicated job, and he wasn't sure at all why they picked him of all people to go back and change the outcome. Anyone else could've been a better fit for the job.

Todoroki sighed, falling back against his bed while holding up a random card scribbled in messy ink, one of the cards he'd re-read so many times like some book, right above his head.

The paper was addressed to Jin.

It was a strange card, fitting the villain's personality and strange complex entirely. His writing seemed to change styles and swerve off-topic constantly, yet it somehow still made sense. In a few blank areas there were even doodles of the blonde blood-thirsty girl the man had befriended; though Shoto was still unsure if the man drew those on purpose or accidentally due to his varied way of acting. They were entertaining to say the least.

Looking to the side, he eyes his clock and decided to get up to finally start a new day at UA. If things were still similar to the way they were before, then today would be the final exams against the teachers.

Being in the familiar grey hallways and repeating what he once did felt unsettling. It was a constant state of deja-vu which was getting on his nerves.

"Hey Todoroki-kun!" A petite brown haired girl approached him with a gentle smile. "Good morning!"

The heterochromic teen only nodded as a sign of greeting which only made the girl grin brighter. Even though he didn't express much, she understood his complexity after some time.

"You ready for today's big exam? We're fighting robots again! Isn't that cool??!" She jumped. "Just like in the entrance exams and UA sports festival!"

"It's not robots. We're fighting against the teachers." He said calmly, walking to his class.

"WHAT?!?" Uraraka almost tripped in surprise. "WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT CRAZY IDEA??"

"I overheard the teachers talking about it." He lied smoothly, not stopping his journey.

"Craaaapp....!!!" She panicked, gripping onto her brown hair. "I'm so dead if that's the case!!"

"Best of luck." He nodded before walking farther away from the distressed female.

As he entered into the classroom, he sat comfortably next to Izuku, who was mindlessly muttering as he wrote notes on 'Tokumei'.

Shoto quietly placed his head over his hand and watched in admiration with a spark in his eye, interested in the notes and his past/future lover.

Once Izuku felt a pair of eyes staring, he quickly shut his notebook and turned to the side, hiding his startled look. "Todoroki-kun? What are you doing here?"

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now