Chapter 2: Playing Tag

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"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak." That was according to Sun Tzu's 'Art Of War'

Two days had passed since that day happened, I am starting to create some plans to survive in this freaking world. I need to take it slow since Mama Isabella is a keen observer. I am not smart as Ray or Norman or Emma, but I can easily adapt to things.

Although my mind is already 17 years old, I have to accept the fact that there was a huge difference between my intellect and their intellectual ability. When I was at their age I was slow as the real Conny, however, due to my experience, I became adaptive to things.

If I don't have their ability, then why don't I use their ability?

My first step is really easy, and that was to remain as Cony. To remain slow, weak, sweet but at the same time witty. I can use my knowledge of the future to survive. I'll have to do this in a normal way. 

Part of them is to always fail the daily exams...

I mean not always...

Did you get what I mean?

Something between 75/300 to 175/300? 

"I'm not really good on it," I said when Mama announced our scores. "I'll try harder next time hehe," I said as I hugged my bunny stuffed toys. 

Emma glanced at me before giving me a wink. "That's the spirit, Conny!" I giggled. Emma gave me a tight hug before trying to carry me. "Well, your scores aren't that bad either, if you strive hard, you might match Norman's test results"

"That's too much Emma!" I suddenly replied. "You don't have to make me feel better Emma, I know that I'm not smart as everyone and I have no match from Norman or You..." 

"Conny..." Emma said in a worried tone. She immediately puts me down as cupped my face with her two hands. "What are you saying? You are the loveliest girl I have ever met! You will probably get a score higher than mine someday! Right, Norman?"

The boy behind Emma nodded his head. "Of course," Norman replied. 

Emma, you're such a good kid, but stop making me feel better! The difference is just... ugh how do I explain this? We're different okay?

"Okay~ I'll work harder!"

"Anyway, are you still having a nightmare?" Emma suddenly asked a question. 

"Nope! I'm all good! Monsters are not real..." but devils do exist "and I know that everyone is with me," I said happily to her. "Besides my roommates assured me that I am safe and I know that they won't leave me alone"

Lies, my real ending was still haunting me, it was my nightmare every time that I sleep. The thing is I am more capable of controlling my emotions that's why other children won't notice it.


I glanced at Ray who was reading a book.

Every time that I am waking up from my nightmares, I can usually see Ray looking at me, but he's not saying anything at all. For the past two days, I can always see him reading books in the middle of the night whenever I wake up from my nightmares.

He's obviously observing my actions. Perhaps my nightmares were making him curious.

Especially the monster part...

After taking our daily test. All of the kids of the Grace Field House went outside to play, and as usual, Don and I were playing with the other children. Don is one of the most approachable people here at the orphanage. Conny and Don were really close, and it's obvious that I am Conny.

"Let's play tag!" One of the children requested.

I don't really want to play tag today, but when Don offered that he would help me to hide I don't have the heart to refuse it. Don decided to hide somewhere in the forest, Today's 'It' is Norman, So Don is adorably determined to be uncatched.

"I won't let Norman catch me today."

"Hmm, How about you hide on the top of the tree?" I asked him. "You don't normally do that, so it would probably take time for Norman to find you," I said while smiling.

"Conny, you're clever, but if I hide on the top of the tree, I can't take you with me" Don replied. His eyes were wandering around, He is probably watching out for Norman.

"But Don always helps me in playing tag, I also want to help you," I said with a soft smile.

"You don't need to thank me, I will always help whenever I can," He said in a cheerful tone. We both flinched when we heard a sound, but when we saw that it was only a bird, we both laugh.

"No, I insist on helping you today, Don," I said. "Besides, when we play again tomorrow, you can help me in return. I will also experiment with something new  today, I have read some techniques on how to make a trap when we play tag..."

"Really?" Don asked as if he is proud of my achievement.

"But I don't really know if it will work..."

"No, no! I am sure that it will work. Why don't we try it today?" Don replied. He gently pats my head. "We will try it, okay?"

"Yes!" I replied in a cheerful tone.

Don, what a responsible brother you are. I can't imagine how broken you are when you find out about Conny's death...

I will make sure to protect you this time, you acted like a best friend and a brother to me, but now that I have remembered my past life, let this big sister to protect you.

I will make sure to protect you this time, you acted like a best friend and a brother to me, but now that I have remembered my past life, let this big sister to protect you

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"This is the perfect tree for you to hide!" I said happily. "You must hide now, I will erase our footprints and create another to make a confusion for Norman," I said.

A smile appeared on Don's face as he pats my head once more. "You're really clever, Conny. Alright! I will climb now" He said. "But wait, where are you going to hide?"

I put my index finger on my lips. "Secret, hehe~" My hair fluttered when a wind came. "Can you take care of my Bunny?" I asked him. Don's face is confused when I asked that but he immediately took the bunny in my hands. "

When Don climbed up to the tree, I immediately did my task, like creating some fake footprints on the ground. Actually, I don't have a proper plan to make some traps or trick Norman. In short...

Yes, I lied to Don. 

However, what I advised him is correct, as long as he won't make a sound or fell for Norman's trap on top of that tree, he won't find him.

Now let's execute the second step of my plan. Let's have some chat with brother Ray!

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