Chapter 22

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I stretched my arms as I walked out of the Heartslabyul mirror. Yuu had gone to the library to study while I had gone to my morning tutoring session. Yuu kept their word on leaving Grim in the dorm to clean. I had no need to go back to Ramshackle just yet, so I decided to go on a walk around campus.

Been here for a while now, but I still only know where a few buildings are. Hall of Mirrors, Ramshackle, Main Building, the infirmary...

I recited the places I frequented in my head as I wondered about. I passed different buildings that I had no clue what their purpose was. I turned a corner and found myself on the main path. Seven statues lined the way back to the main building. I strolled down the walkway and stared at them all. They looked like the villains from the classic Disney movies. I stopped at the one labeled "Sea Witch".

"She really looks like Ursula..." I mumbled to myself. I scratched my head. But she's just a fictional character...right?

"Leafy Sea Dragon, I found you~!" a soft coo came from behind me.

I jumped. I spun around to see Floyd standing behind me all too close. I backed into the stature. "Floyd Leech..."

"You remembered my name," Floyd looked at me with a devilish smile. "Do you also remember you owe me a squeeze?"

"Oh, shitake mushrooms," I said under my breath.

"Pheh! Why do you have to bring up nasty mushrooms?" Floyd gagged. He put his hands in his pockets. "I should make you eat Jade's mushroom dishes next time he tries to make me test it."

"I'd rather get squeezed than forced fed mushrooms," I crinkled my nose.

"Then why'd you mention them?"

"It's an expression where I'm from!"

"Hehehe, what a silly expression," he chuckled. I was getting whiplash at this dude's mood swings. "Now it is time for a squeeze~!"

Crap! Crap! Crap!

I tried to evade his arms but was unsuccessful. He scooped me up. My feet dangled and my arms were pinned in front of my chest. I kicked back and wiggled in his grip, but his grip wouldn't budge.

"You're so light Leafy! I wonder if I could snap you in half," his breath was right on my ear. He tightened his grip around me. I could feel the air being pushed from my lungs.

"Gah! Down! Please!" I gasped. It was like an extreme bear hug. I felt a pop go up my spine, "IiAah!" I yelped like a chihuahua. At the sound of my cry, Floyd dropped me. I grabbed the statue to steady myself. I felt like a limp noodle. My back was loose, but it didn't feel broken. I nervously started laughing.

"Huh, people don't really laugh after I squeeze them," Floyd looked disappointed. "And you snapped, but not in half."

"Hahaha, I'm sturdier than I look...ha~," I stood up straight while I gritted my teeth.


"Say what now?" I shot him a side eye.

"Another squeeze!"

"Oh, no no no," I shuffled away from Floyd, wagging my fingers, "no more squeeze. Me go bye-bye now."

"But it's fun hanging out with you~" he smiled. "You are so interesting!"

"Thank you kindly, but the last squeeze left my back feeling like jelly. I don't want it turning to mush after the next go around," I turned around and started walking away. "Have fun on your own good sir!"

With his long legs he easily caught up with me, "Don't feel like it."

I let out a long sigh as I kept walking. "You aren't going to leave me alone, huh?"


I looked at the upperclassman, who just had a lazy smile on his face. I stopped walking and faced him. "Alright, I'll hang with you for a bit. I don't have anything to do today anyway."

"Great!" he grabbed my wrist and dragged me in the opposite direction I was going.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked. I tried to keep up with his pace, but one of his steps were three of mine.

"You'llsee~," he chirped. I just hoped I didn't make a terrible choice.

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now