Chances(Finale Prologue)

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(Canon Story)

A new school year started, and Nishikata was not a elementary schooler anymore. He took a long look at the gate of his new middle school. The cherry blossom graced the campus with a beautiful pink rain, as if a welcome present for the new students.

He took a deep breath. 'Here goes nothing! Eh?'

As Nishikata was about to take off, he notice a piece of white handkerchief lying on the dirt. He picked it up and took a look. It was a beautiful white handkerchief, felt like it was made of silk, and at the corner there was the name 'Takagi' on it.

'Takagi? Is this the name of the owner?' He thought as he continued into the campus. 'Maybe I should give it to a teacher... Where is the office anyway?'


He entered the class, and was faced with the teacher sitting at the front, with all the seat filled but one. He was late.

"Late on the first day, you got guts, huh?" The teacher said with his menacing tone.

"No... I was..."

"Ah~! Never mind. Nishikata, isn't it? Go sit down over there." He pointed at a seat in the corner.

After the teacher introduced himself and made some announcements, they went to the auditorium for the ceremony. The principal's speech was as boring as expected, but it was finally over, as the students made their way back to the classroom for their first class of middle school.

'Something feels weird...' Nishikata thought to himself as he walked through the hallway..

"Nishikata-kun from 1-2... isn't it?"

"Eh?" He turned around to find a girl standing in front of him. She had long brown hair separated from the middle, revealing her forehead. Her pair of big round eyes looked as if it was staring into his soul.

"Can I help you?" Nishikata nervously asked.

"I'm Takagi," She introduced herself. "And I'm just here to say thank you."

"Takagi-san..." He shook his head. "You're the owner of..."

"Yep." She smiled. "The handkerchief."

"Ah... Nice to meet you..." Nishikata replied with an awkward bow.

"I'm just here to say thank you." Takagi said. "That handkerchief means a lot to me, so I really appreciate you."

"It's... nothing..." He blushed slightly.

"Well, I should head back now."

"Wait, which class are you in?" Nishikata called her off.

"1-1," She turned around with a smile. "See you~"

"See you..."

'Something feels odd...' He thought to himself.


A couple of days passed, and everyday Nishikata felt something was missing, something was not right.

He took glance at the girl sitting next to him, her name was Ai he remembered. He barely talked to her at all, same with pretty much any girl in the class.

'Something feels off...'


Within the blink of the eye, literally, they were graduating.

Nishikata was sitting in the auditorium, scanning through the hundreds of graduates. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he just didn't feel right.

'There is something missing...'


High school.

'Something is off'






'She is...'



Nishikata woke up in cold sweat, as he swiftly grabbed his phone and opened the contact.

The first one to pop up was from Takagi.

T: Goodnight:)

He breathed a sigh of relief, and looked outside the window.

"It's snowing..."

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