Chapter 17

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"Geah! Ack!" I coughed as though my lungs were going to come out. My eyes stung and my nose burned. I tried to look at my surroundings, but dust blanketed to air. "What the heck is going on?"

"Everything Leona is touching is turning to sand!" Jack yelled back.

Leona stood in the middle of the field. He had Ruggie's arm pulled behind his back. The hyena boy looked to be in extreme pain. "This is my unique magic: King's Roar," Leona showcased. "Ironic, huh? The prince of the savannah, who hates droughts, is born with such power. This magic dries everything up and turns it into sand!" His voice sounded confident and proud, but his eyes looked pained.

"Le-ona...I...c-can't," Ruggie barely choked out. The arm that Leona held was crumbling. Flakes snowed off him.

"Ruggie's arm is cracking!" Deuce yelled in shock.

It even works on living people?!

"Leona, stop this at once! Off with your head!" Riddle cast the spell. The trail of magic aimed for Leona's throat bounced off of the lion.

"I don't care how talented you are, but don't underestimate your seniors," Leona growled. "I have good magic defense."

"This guy was this strong all this time!" I gasped.

Leona dangled Ruggie in the air, "Hahaha! How is it Ruggie? It hurts, huh? Your mouth is so dry you can't use that sharp tongue of yours, huh?" Ruggie gagged as he tried to take a breath.

"This is bad! Ruggie won't be able to last much longer like that!" Jack tensed up.

"He can hurt us, but we have to stop him!" Yuu agreed.

"You don't have to tell me twice!" I yelled. I didn't know what I could do to help though.

Leona's faster and stronger than me. Even if I could get in close, I wouldn't be able to wrestle Ruggie free.

I watched as Riddle and Cater tried to fight Leona. Leona was only using one hand and was keeping them at bay! I stood and analyzed everything. I tried to think of a way that could help everyone. Yuu had Grim and his fire magic to help them in battle. I only had myself.

"If you have this much power, why are you doing all this?" Riddle demanded an answer.

"Why?" Leona smirked. "How would knowing that change anything? Are you going to scold me, then console me?" His attitude changed. He looked at Riddle with bitterness. Leona spoke as if he was reciting a line he had heard repeatedly. "In this world, talent and effort don't make a difference."

The statement hit me like a truck.

All this time, I've been saying to myself that things will be fine. As long as I do my best to push forward, I will be able to make it home. I'll see my friends and family again soon. I even told Yuu to be more optimistic when they've been waiting longer. What if all that we've been doing has been for nothing? What if, by trying to adapt to this world, I'm ruining my chances to go home?

I felt tears well up in my eyes. It only caused them to sting more. Then, I heard a voice. It was a sweet voice that carried the tinkling of bells or chimes.

"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it," the voice spoke. "You have the ability to become stronger. To help those who need it."


Before I could think more of it, I heard Jack howl, "STOP, THAT'S ENOUGH! UNLEASH BEAST!" A silver cloud of magic like snow enveloped Jack. When it blew away, a giant silver wolf with piercing yellow eyes growled at Leona.

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