Chapter 10 (Deku)

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"How are you going to get in?" Dabi asks.

Deku looks up to the broken screen straining to project the large mass of people already lined up to enter the grounds for the festival. It hasn't even opened yet and so many people are already anxiously waiting.

The screen changes to show a bird's view of the many stands waiting for customers to rush in, the empty seats of the stadium, and the heroes already patrolling the grounds. No less than ten are on duty and no doubt each one of them are on the lookout for a green eyed and green bushy hair boy, a sun-dried fruit in desperate need of some chapstick, and a purple mist with yellow eyes.

A nearby building with flashing neon lights grabs Deku's attention. "Leave that to me."


"Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." Deku peels away and crosses the glass and garbage filled road.

Just like every other place in this part of town it's windows are broken, has no sign and is filled with cigarette smoke despite the useless windows. He walks in, leaving Dabi behind.

About five minutes later he walks back out with his hood up.

"Alright what'd you do?" Dabi hollers as Deku crosses back over.

Deku keeps walking, staying to Dabi's side as they go. "I don't think you want to know."

"Come on don't be shy."

Deku sighs. "Fine." He peels off his hood, not bothering to look at Dabi.

"Holy—" Dabi stops in his tracks, looking Deku up and down. "Shit."

His big hair is gone, most of it chopped off. It lays thinned out across his face and ending just above his brows with only small hairs at the nape of his neck. The short hair reveals a brow piercing as well as several piercings wrapped around the higher parts of his ears. A couple more lay on one of his lobes, one of them stringing a sliver chain up his ear to another piercing, and another one circles around his lip. To finish it off, two brown colored contacts sit in his eyes.

"It's not that big a deal," Deku says as if it's nothing, looking back with lazy eyes. "I already had most of them. My hair just covered them up."

"Holy shit!" Dabi laughs and finally starts walking again. "My little kid's not a kid anymore."

"I'm not your kid," Deku grumbles.

"Well of course you aren't anymore." Dabi hooks his arm around Deku and ruffles the little hair he as left. "But isn't the point to not draw attention to yourself?"

Deku shrugs off the arm. "They won't be looking at someone who sticks out like a sore thumb when they are looking for someone trying to hide from them."

"If you say so. But don't expect me to come save your ass if this plan of yours doesn't work."

"Good. Because of you do, I'll kill you. Now come on, we're late."

* * * *

"If anything goes wrong, get her out of there."

Deku sucks in a breath hoping to hell that nothing goes wrong for the sake of his mother. But nothing will go wrong. He has precautions set for a reason. Dabi will protect his mother and Toga's in position with everything taken care of. Then there's that one last thing. . .

Deku releases his breath and forces himself to loosen up than walks right in through the front.

Nothing. Not even a glance in his direction.

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