Chapter 9 (Bakugou)

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In the upcoming weeks, there has been next to nothing regarding Deku and the League of Villains. No new incidences or news. Deku hasn't made any surprise visits since the forest. The only news about him is a burned corpse found in the alley. But that's suspected to be the work of Hell's Puppeteer or whatever the hell they've decided to call him.

Even after seeing the body in the alley being carted away by the police and the crime scene, Bakugou can hardly believe it's the work of Deku. But the scene matches all the others, and the tattoo matches the symbol.

Two people. One is a ruthless murderer who leaves nothing behind at a crime scene but a burned corpse that has no business being set on fire and the other is a dead kid who never made it to high school. According to the heroes, they are two completely different people. But they aren't. That's what he can't get over.

But there are things to do and competitions to win. Bakugou doesn't have time to contemplate what is black and white.

After hours of training, both in and out of school; coming home covered in dirt, sweat, and bruises; late nights and early mornings, it's finally here. He's gotten through two weeks chipping away at his weaknesses and refining his strengths.

Bakugou pants, the noises of the crowd growing so loud even a deaf person could tell what's going on by the all the ruckus and vibrations. He adds one more blast to the small inlet in the forest, making the place look even more as if a tornado of fireworks came through, and walks away from the place that has been home to his rampages over the past two weeks.

He makes his way through all the food stands and people, Deku's warning still fresh in his head.

There is no way he's made it. The only reason why this festival is still going on after the attack on the USJ and Class-1A students is because of all the pro heroes showing up as solely extra security. To keep things tight from leaking to the public not many will know him, but he can be sure those who do, are watching the crowds like hawks.


Bakugou stops and stares at the security guard standing at the arena entrance. Even with the UA gym uniform on he can't just walk in to join his classmates. "Katsuki Bakugou."

The guard scans the clip board in their hand and crosses something off. His name. Now if anyone else tries to enter with his name they'll both be in big trouble. "Go on," he says before nodding to his friend on the other side of the tunnel. "That's the last one."

Bakugou rolls his eyes and continues forward, his footsteps echoing through the tunnel.

"Young Bakugou!"

Bakugou rolls his eyes, turning back to find All Might running like an idiot to catch up. Is he stupid? What is he doing wasting time? With all these people around too. He should be conserving his hours for when he actually needs it. What will happen if he's in the middle of something and starts steaming in front of hundreds?

"What do you want old man?"

"Can I not wish my future successor good luck? How are you feeling, are you nervous?" All Might puts his hand on Bakugou's shoulder as if trying to comfort him.

Bakugou narrows his eyes, unconvinced.

"Alright fine. I know there is something you are not telling me." All Might squeezes his shoulder and stares him down. "So if anything seems out of the ordinary, I will not hesitate to pull you out."

"You do that and I'll kill you," Bakugou threatens quietly.

"You can try young man," All Might says laughing, releasing his grip.

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