Chapter 27

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The long fields of grass in front gave him peace, it was serene, a simple scene with just green grass, sky illuminated by just the bright late afternoon sun and a row of trees just to the side...

The place where claires family had pulled him along for vacation was breathtaking to say the least

Claire's father started his architecture firm with one of his friends and the friend's younger brother, this was a farmhouse owned by those partners' father, so in simple terms this ranch and farmhouse was owned by Claire's great uncle.

As he was told, then families were pretty close friends, it was a tradition to take an annual vacation on this ranch every year with family... ah... rich people..

He was able to meet the partners of the firm and mostly they seemed pretty decent people, he also happened to meet the son of one of the partners,

He was probably just over 10 years old, and he didn't really pay that much attention to yosuke, which was reasonable since the boy seemed relatively shy, but it was being seen that he was sticking close to his 3 year old sister, He only talked with Claire, his sister or his parents, but he was just in the background most of the time...

Claire played along with the little kids for a while, while yosuke supervised over three kids, Claire, the boy, and his sister... Claire didn't laugh at the joke.

At one point he was sure that her family had secretly plotted to kidnap and murder yosuke, as the farmhouse was littered with guns, old guns, beautiful guns, rusty guns, and as Claire's great uncle said, " sexy guns " , yeah lots of people he didn't know and lots of guns.

They weren't too protective of their daughter, so he could at least still talk to her, which was a relief, considering otherwise he'd have to talk to strangers, no matter how social he was , that would make anyone uncomfortable.

Not to mention these strangers would actively be judging him this time around...

" So are you enjoying this unplanned holiday " Claire asked him

" It's fun.. But damn it, it's exhausting... "

" I get it, I know everyone, and I'm still drained of energy , that's enough social interaction for today... " She chuckled..

" Your dad Invited me to shoot a gun tomorrow... "

" At least dad seems to have approved you... "

" I'm more worried about being murdered and my body disappearing in the woods... "

" You know dad can't even hurt a fly, can't say the same about great uncle though"

" But still... anyway... I wanna see you... "

" I'm right here... " She said,

" I mean.. " He said while his finger hovered over her mouth, " Tonight... "

She looked beside her, breathed a sigh while pulling his arm away from her face... " And what will you do if we get busted? "

"So she's open to the idea... " , " We won't be " He said as he pulled her closer to his side.

" Well... knock it off for now, what if someone sees us? " She said, a trace of urgency in her voice..

" Aw c'mon... I'll probably be found dead in the forest tomorrow so let me enjoy myself today " He put his hand on her waist.

" Yosuke... " He said while still looking around..

He clicked his tongue, " Okay fine. Sorry.. "

All of You is All of Me [Discontinued]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon