11.Snow(Finale Part 1)

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"It's snowing..."

Nishikata blanked out at the view outside through his window. A lot was going around in his mind, making him forget the cold. His thoughts were as clouded as the gray sky, his gaze was as frigid as the weather. The reason for it was simple; he had a bad dream.

"Breakfast's ready~" His mom's voice snapped  him back to reality.



A piece of snowflake gently landed on Nishikata's shoulder, for which he didn't even notice. Though yes, it was snowing, there weren't enough flakes to even cover any surface. The snow added nothing but glooms and gray to the sky.

Nishikata looked around at the rather depressing sight. His gaze went back down to a bracelet on his left hand, which he had been messing with as he walked. The simple red bracelet he received from Ai-san felt so out of place on him, yet he couldn't make himself to take it off. After all, he made a deal. He couldn't stop thinking about the bad dream, as he held on to his left wrist a little tighter.

"Good morning, Nishikata." The familiar voice came from behind.

"Go... Good morning, Takagi-san." He blushed slightly as he greeted back.

"Still got that bracelet on?" Takagi leaned forward to his wrist.

"I... yes..." Nishikata instinctively moved his hand to his chest, as if trying to protect something.

"Good!" She smiled and showed him her right hand, where an identical bracelet rested seamlessly on her skinny wrist. "I'm still wearing mine, too."

"Ar... Are you sure about this?" He blushed. "We will definitely be misunderstood..."

"I don't mind~" Takagi said as she walked forward. "C'mon, we're gonna be late."

Nishikata blanked out at the figure of the girl in front of him and shook his head, as if trying to get rid of a thought.

The snow was getting bigger.


"You've got something on your mind, Nishikata?" Takagi asked, as sharp as always.

"Eh?" Nishikata looked at the girl sitting beside him in surprise. "No...?"

"Really?" She didn't appeared convinced. "You haven't challenge me whole day, something is definitely off."

"There's nothing..."

"Did I do something that upset you?" Takagi asked with a slight frowned.

"No! No way!" Nishikata turned his head away out of embarrassment. "Why would you think that..."

There was no respond.


He snapped his head around only to find the seat beside him was empty.

"Ta..." Nishikata scanned the room franticly. Not only Takagi disappeared, no one was around, not a single person could be seen.

"What the..." He tried to stand up, but he couldn't. He couldn't use any strength, not even a finger.

"Takagi-san?!" He screamed out loud in terror. "Takagi-san!!!"

"Yes, Nishikata?"

"Ah!!!" Nishikata woke up and launched from his desk, bumping his knees on the table. "Ouch!"

"Are you ok?" Takagi, who was standing in front him asked. She had her pink scarf wrapped nicely on her neck, and her school back packed.

"Eh?" Ignoring the pain, he looked around the classroom, and found that they were the only two in the classroom. The sun was already setting, as the golden ray painted Takagi's cheek in glitter. 

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