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Though Japan doesn't really celebrate it, the excuse to have fun with friends and family is still there.

For couples and besties alike, the ever so famous 'Christmas village' in down town Tokyo is a must-go. The beautiful neon lights lit up the streets with gorgeous colors, and theme lanterns as the protagonist of the event. People all around were taking selfies and pictures in front of the giant polar bears, Santas, and Christmas trees.

"Nishikata, look!" The boy was 'summoned' by an young girl, as she excitingly pointed at the giant ginger bread house. "This is so cool!"

"Wow, how did they make this?!" Nishikata was amazed by the to-scale pastry in front of him. "Is this even real?"

"They sure pull something new every year, huh?" Takagi smiled. She was wearing a red wool hat, heavy coat which Nishikata especially reminded her to put on, and a pink scarf.

Nishikata couldn't take his eyes off that scarf.

"Takagi-san, why are you wearing that?"

"Why? are you embarrassed?" She used her 'mind reading technique'.

"No... It's just... you know... it didn't really match the rest of your clothes..." Nishikata blushed.

"Are you concerning about me looking good?" Takagi smirked, a sign of the teasing about to come. "That's very sweet~"

"No! I... uh..." Again, he dug a hole for himself to jump in. "Never mind..."

Takagi smiled and hid her face inside the warmth of the scarf.

All the teasing was just to hide the fact that maybe, maybe she was a little embarrassed herself.

They continued down the glittering street. Even with all the crowd and music, it still felt like they were in their own world. Along the way, Nishikata had his gaze away from Takagi, drifting everywhere except her direction.

'Why did she invite me...'

'Was it to tease me?'

He was being dishonest to himself again.

Suddenly, he felt a hand wrapped around his wrist; a small, delicate hand. He quickly turned around. Sure enough, it was the teasing master's grip, as she gave him a smile.

"Wha... What are you doing, Takagi-san?!" He panicked, trying to break free, but he couldn't. Whether Takagi was really using strength, or deep down he simply didn't want to, he couldn't escape.

"You are not looking at me." She exclaimed. "What if we get lost?"


"There, there. It's not even hand holding."

"Al... Alright..." Nishikata sighed.

Hand in... Well, wrist in hand, the couple went down the streets with the girl leading the way. They were nothing more than another couple in the crowd, yet to Nishikata, they stood out.

"Can you let go now, Takagi-san?" He asked with a blush on his face. "I... I'll keep an eye on you..."

"No way!" Takagi turned around and smiled. "I'm never letting you go."

"Wha... What is that suppose to mean..." Nishikata could feel his face getting even hotter, and his heart beat going faster.

"What it means is what it means~" She shrugged. "You will find out someday, hopefully that day will come sooner."


"Nishikata, look!" She pointed at a sign. There, in giant letters, was the words <Christmas Special Lover Exhibit>

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