Chapter 24

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Nishikata stepped out of the bathroom wearing some fresh clothes and a towel around his neck… warm water after being soaked in rain really is the best feeling…  

He stepped into the kitchen and the first thing he did was drink some cold water from the fridge.. Then he walked to the dining hall… 

Takagi was sitting on the sofa, wearing clothes without anything underneath felt… weird, but then again it was better than being soaked.. 

" Are the clothes alright? "

" Yeah.. They're comfortable… a bit loose still.."

" That's probably because they are too big for you … "

" Yeah… "

" So.. Uh.. Where are your clothes? "

" Huh ? "

" I mean.. I'm gonna put mine in the laundry now while the laundry was going on I thought I make some coffee..., so I thought I may as well ask you "

" They're in- " She cut herself off mid sentence. 

" What ? "

" Nothing, you know what I'll do the laundry myself Instead"

" It's a waste of time and water if we do laundry separately just give me your clothes… " 

" Who said about doing it separately, I'll do yours too.. "

" I… Takagi-san… I know how to do laundry… if you're doubting that then-"

" It's not like that… just go and make your coffee I'll handle the laundry… "

" … okay… "" I wonder what's up with her ? "

" Yeah… " She got up and rushed to the bathroom… she didn't really want him to see her clothes, especially her undergarments… she knew nishikata was no pervert, but still it wasn't that she didn't trust him, she was just too self conscious… I mean… who wouldn't be after getting help wearing the belt … 

She sighed and took her clothes. She didn't find his clothes so she shouted, " Where are your clothes? "

" Already in the machine, I just put them in like normal I forgot you were here… "

" I see.. "

She just plopped her clothes into the washing machine, and started it… she walked into the kitchen and a cup of coffee was there for her on the table, nishikata was nowhere to be seen 

" Nishikata? "

" Yeah? I left your coffee on the table"

" But where did you go? " 

" I'm in the living room "

She walks to the living room, where he is seated on the sofa, drinking his coffee and switching between channels on TV

She took a seat on the sofa , " What're you gonna watch ? "

" I really don't know… how come there's nothing good on TV when you're bored… "

" Hmm… a movie perhaps? "

" No. I'm sick of movies… you know what? You take the remote and watch what you want , I'll just find something to watch on YouTube.. "

" Oh okay then… " She sensed it, he was acting a bit distant , was it because of what she had done just some time ago, or was it something else entirely… anyway he didn't seem interested in talking to her for the time being At least.. " God.. I'm so stupid…"

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