Chapter 13: Family

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The Man The Myth The Legend Himself Is Back. sorry its been so long but idk I'm really unmotivated to write y'know so like here's to hoping the story doesn't die.

I ran upstairs to my room. thoughts running through my head. over and over I couldn't change them, I couldn't even think about Him. I fell asleep on my bed, my mind swirling.

"Rie wake up!"

"huh?!" I shot up in my bed. What time was it? I darted to my phone. 10:00!?!?

"MOM?" i shouted "why didn't you wake me up sooner?? I opened my door to find her standing there with a look of frantic disappointment.

"You locked your door!" she was extremely frustrated. I know how my mom gets when I don't do well in school.

Speaking of which my mom has been in the worst mood ever since the accident. she tries to hide it and understand that my best friend has literally died. But I can tell that she is frustrated that I can't finish my homework and my grades are dropping.

"How can I wake you up if your dead aslee- "she stopped "I'm really sorry i shouldn't use that word." She pulled me in for a hug and I realized that I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I guess it has felt so normal to cry lately it feels weird not to cry. (kinda depressing isn't it.)

I was still lost in thoughts as we walked down the stairs. My mother had finally cracked, she had gotten to the point of frustration to where she cracked. My mother was not herself for a couple of days.

She went out the door flustered because of how late she was. She was usually so composed, to the point where I was looking for the guests in our house. She never raises her voice unless she thinks that its absolutely necessary. 

My mother was a calm woman. She decided that she wanted to raise me to be very polite and pushed herself to stay calm. It felt as though she had a mysterious side though. Like you'll never see that side of her unless she wanted you to. Which of course, she did. 

My mom loved Video Games. 

You'll never see her collection though. She has it locked up in her closet. Yes a whole closet filled with video games. She had everything from Mario bros to Battlefront III. If I ever wanted to play a game she would get one from her closet and just like that I was entertained. 

And with this love for gaming, came the inevitable competitiveness. (I can't think of a better word)

She had to win. No matter the cost. And of course My dad and I are no where near as skilled as her at Video games. She destroyed us every time, even when we team up on her she still pulls through. 

My dad on the other hand is incredibly social. He can talk to a random person for hours. He will always find something you like and despite knowing very little about it he could talk for hours. 

He also loved his wife very much. Mom says that dad didn't have a girlfriend until 3 years after high school. "He was lucky to find me when he did because if he was a day older than I would call him a pervert!" I laughed at this one quite a bit. 

My dad would never get embarrassed. If mom had said that quote at a family dinner or something, dad would always have a comeback. He has never gotten embarrassed in his life as far as I'm concerned. 

For better or for worse I'm competitive like my mom. Immune to embarrassment like my dad.

Its been far too long fellas. I'm back like I never left lol. I'm gonna make the chapters shorter maybe that way I can be more motivated to write. 

Don't Forget to Smile


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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