Chapter 6

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"Grim, come on~. I need your help practicing this spell," I groaned. I was trying to pull the downhearted monster from the cushion he was on. "Prefect Riddle told me I need to be able to do cast this before our next session!"

"Ahh...I don't have any motivation..." he groaned back. Yuu sat in the lounge completing their homework as I continued to struggle. "I don't get to be in the Magift tournament."

"Still not giving up on that?" Yuu asked when they looked up for the time being.

"What's the matter Grim?" a short ghost asked. It phased through the floorboards next to the chair Grim was holding onto for dear life. "You don't seem as lively as usual."

I held my tongue. All the haunting folktales my grandmother would tell me flashed through my head. I had asked if there was any way to get rid of them, but Yuu told me that there was no point. Even after exorcising them, they just come back withing the next few games. I quaked in my shoes.

I just have to tolerate the one that live here...

Another ghost popped in behind the chair. I felt my face losing color. "It's because he can't participate in the Magical Shift tournament. Hehehe~" It teased.

The final ghost showed itself right next to me. I lost my grip on Grim and quietly backed away from the ghostly gathering to where Yuu sat.

"If you want to play so badly, we can play against you," the skinny ghost offered. "I was one of the top players when I played 90 years ago!"

Grim sat up, but he was still pouting, "Don't we need seven to play?"

The short ghost that first spoke waved a hand, "It doesn't matter unless it's a real match. Now the, let's get started!"

The ghosts hovered the grumpy kitty as they went outside. Yuu and I shared a look before sighing. Yuu closed their notebook and we both went outside to see what was going on. In an open field beside the rundown mansion Grim was hovering a frisbee in his magic. It looked as though the frisbee was burning in glittering blue flames. Yuu took a seat in the field and pat the ground besides them for me to join. I sat and watched Grim play with the ghosts. His creepy, yet charming grin returning. The sight was actually very cute.

"You should join too," Yuu said. They didn't turn to look at me. "It would be a fun way to practice magic."

"Hmm? I wouldn't want to leave you out though," I responded.

"Don't worry about me. Just go have fun," Yuu tried to shoo me away towards the group.

"Hmph," I grabbed their wrist. "If I play, then you'll play. It isn't a real match, so you should be fine to play without magic! We will also be even. Three vs three!"

"Why are you being so adamant about this?"

"Well...for the time being we are like basically family! And family makes sure no one gets left out!" I gave them a big old smile, showing off my bottom snaggle tooth. "So, I won't let you out of it. Got it?"

Yuu laughed, "Haha! Got it."

We joined in on the fun. The ghosts even helped me learn how to levitate the disk! I was terrified when they surrounded me, but as I watched the disk glow with a peaches-and-cream color the fear slipped away and was replaced by excitement. I held my pen in front of me towards the frisbee. I sparkled faintly like it was emanating glitter. The moment was short. The magic sputtered out and the disk fell to the grass. It was long enough to warrant me jumping for joy with Yuu in a circle.

We continued to play Magical Shift. Sometimes we were serious, other times we goofed off. Since we didn't know all the rules, we made up some as we went. It was entertainment as pure as if we were small children. We ran in the field until an all too familiar voice travelled down the hilly courtyard to stop our fun.

"Oh? Are you all playing Magical Shift?" asked the Headmaster.

"Geh, the bringer of bad news is here..." Grim's turned sour instantaneously.

Crowley had a smile on his face as he got closer, "It appears as though you are all getting along with the ghosts in your dorm quite well. How wonderful~!"

Grim denied and deflected. "Not really! Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I have something to ask of you. Come, let us go inside," Crowley ushered us back to the dorm.

As we entered the lounge room, Grim cut straight to the point, "What do you want from us? We aren't your servants you know."

"Oh? Did I forget to mention that there is no guarantee you all can permanently live here?" he mentioned. We all went bug-eyed.

"Excuse me, wha-," I was stopped by Yuu who covered my mouth.

"Hard labor is a wonderful thing," Crowley chirped.

That's right. Yuu said how Mr. Crowley made them do tasks in return for allowing them to stay here while he searched for a way to send Yuu back. I guess I'm lumped into the same boat now. That sly fox! Or, should I say bird?

"We have no coice..." Yuu's defeated sigh left their lips. I crossed my arms and legs. Yuu took their hand away slowly.

I'll just keep my mouth shut. Yuu is the dorm leader anyway, so I'll just listen to them.

"Let me start over," Crowley cleared his throat. "Acually, there have been many injuries due to some suspicious incidents at school. I would like you to please investigate this matter."

"So, you want us to be stinking detectives," I concluded. I already went against what I told myself.

Crowley explained the situation. There were students hurt in various "accidents" around campus. If it weren't for the fact that the tournament was fast approaching, and the sheer number of victims already, there wouldn't have been so much doubt about how accidental it all was. All ten victims were top candidates for the event as well.

"Why should I care? This has nothing to do with me!" Grim grumbled. "I don't get to participate in the tournament either way. So I don't care what happens involving the tournament!"

"Is that so? After I came all this way to offer you a special reward..."

"Heh! I'm not falling for that ever again! I'm not cooperating unless you give me at least 100 cans of tuna."

Yuu whispered into my ear, "Crowley still owes Grim tuna from the last 'favor' he sent us on."

I mouthed an "oh" while nodding my head. I watched the negotiation continue.

"Then how about I allow you to participate in the Magical Shift Tournament?" Crowley offered.

"Huh?" We all dropped our jaws at the turn of events.

"If you manage to solve this case, I will grant your dorm special permission to participate in this year's tournament," Crowley elaborated. "Well? How about it? Aren't I so kind?"

Oh yeah, so kind. Kind enough to make us do your JOB!

"Oh, but you already said you do not wish to cooperate. What a shame. Forget I said anything."

"WAIT A MINUTE! I'LL DO IT!" Grim yelled. "I'LL DO IT!"

Man, this guy is the master at manipulation. Is this how he got the job as Headmaster? I can't believe it was because he was a good teacher or something. And Grim is too easily swayed. Just dangle something in front of his ego and I bet he'd steal a national treasure.

"Let's get that culprit so we can enter the tournament!" Yuu proclaimed.

"Whaaat?! You're really accepting this Prefect?!" I exclaimed. I was shocked. "Even if we catch the guy and enter the tournament we are short players!"

"Since I'm the Headmaster, I will supply the four other players you need," Crowley remedied.

"Yes! It's a promise!" Grim cheered. He ran around the room in excitement. "Let's hurry and interview some victims!"

"I'm counting on you!" Crowley bade us farewell.

Why do I have a bad feeing about this?

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