At The Hospital(Short)

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This story followed the aftermath of my story 'On The Bridge(Short)'. Check that short out before reading this one!


"Takagi? I'm sorry but... I don't think I know her."

Everything changed since that day.

Nishikata was found miraculously alive on the side of a river bank.

No one knew how he got there, nor how he survived.

After he was rescued, he recovered just fine as well.

Everything just looked like a miracle.

"Takagi-san... the girl who always teases you, you don't remember her?" I sat on a chair beside his bed. He was looking very healthy, minus the Band-Aids on his head, and the casting on his right leg. The bright white hospital light lighted his confused face.

"Is there really this person?" Nishikata scratched his head. "I would've remember if there is such a girl."

I bit the bottom of my lip. "Do you remember me then? Or this tall guy over here?"

"Of course! Kimura and Nakai." Nishikata smiled. "Pretty sure I don't have amnesia."

"But you don't remember Takagi-san." Nakai asked.

"Hey, if there was really a girl who would rather spend time with me other then doing anything else. If there was really such a nice girl, I would remember for sure." Nishikata shrugged. "She sounded like someone I would fell in love with from you guys' description."

"Now you finally admit it..." I sighed.

"What's that?"

"Nothing." I leaned forward. "Tell me, why did you ended up on the river bank again?"

"I... don't remember..." Nishikata gazed up to the ceiling. "I remember... I saw a ghost... and..."

Tears appeared on the side of his eyes.

"Nishikata?" Nakai frowned in concern. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He wiped the tears off. "Just... feel like I..."

"Forgot something?" I asked hopefully.

He nodded. "What is it?"

"That's Takagi-san." I begged. "Please, remember her."

"I have no idea who this Takagi person is." He frowned. "Maybe you can let me see her?"

There was a silence.

"Takagi-san died." Nakai said quietly. "From a car accident."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Nishikata apologized. "But I still don't know her."

"Right... Well the visit time is over. When can you leave?" I got up from the seat.

"Tomorrow if lucky."

"See you in school then. C'mon Nakai, let's go."


"Shut it and let's go!"

I walked out as Nakai reluctantly followed.

"What happened to him?" Nakai bit his bottom lip. "The doctor didn't mention anything about amnesia, and he remembers anything else just fine."

"Nakai." I was starting to piece things together, and I got myself a very unpleasant conclusion. "Why do you think he was on the river bank for?"

"I don't know... He slipped?"

"He was found the day after Takagi was announced dead, do you think it was a coincidence?"

"Your telling me he attempted suicided?!"

"Is it that hard to believe?" I replied.

"A bit!" Nakai seemed frustrated. "He didn't even realize his feelings to her!"

"A person can realize a lot from lost.'" I said calmly.

"That still doesn't explain how he lost all memories of her!" Nakai was starting to raise his voice. He usually wouldn't do that.

"Remember how Nishikata said he saw a ghost?"

He paused. "You are being ridiculous."

"Maybe." I sighed. "One thing is sure: It's better for him to not remember Takagi."


"What if he jump again?" I glared at him.

Nakai shut up.

"I will tell the class to not mention her in front of him." I gesture Nakai goodbye. "I'm going home."

Few weeks later, Nishikata went back to school.

And no one mentioned anything about the empty seat beside him.


Because the majority of you guys wanted me to continue, that's what I will be doing!

But I don't have them planned out, so it's gonna take some time to come out.

Thank you all for your patients and supports!

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