Chapter 23

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It was the dead of night, it seemed like the thunder storm was raging on further and more loudly… The power didn't seem reliable , the old lady suspected that the lights would be out any second now and sure enough after one particularly loud thunder bolt.. The lights went out with a boom… 

The old woman looked over at her husband, he had fallen asleep while watching the game on the sofa , and so she knew he was already in deep sleep, her husband was a particularly heavy sleeper so she knew a power outage wasn't powerful enough to wake him up 

However, she couldn't allow him to just sleep on the sofa, because of back pain issues, she needed to somehow drag him onto the bed, Claire's grandmother sighed and tried to wake him up but to no avail… there was only one option.. 

She took a small floodlight from their dining table, and turned it on and finally she was able to see through the darkness… she slowly climbed upstairs  

Surely yosuke , their paying guest college student, had enough strength to Carry an old man? 

She glanced at the clock … midnight. 

As she reached the landing and took a second to rub her eyes, she was about to head to sleep before the power went out… 

While still rubbing her eyes, she pushed at the door, she stood there shocked, she was tired enough that her mind was functioning on autopilot and she accidentally opened the door to he granddaughters , like she'd always do to say goodnight 

Ever since she got to know of Claire's anxiety, her grandmother had been the most supportive person, she'd check on her every night and even helped her to sleep on the nights she was having trouble sleeping because of her medication… 

The blanket was messy ,  and there were clothes scattered all over the floor, her grandma immediately went into panic mode 

Claire was used to cleaning up her room to be pristine and spotless, the only time her room could be messy was during one of their anxiety attacks. The old lady felt a sudden sense of dread as she yelled "HONEY ARE YOU OKAY? "

She heard a loud and surprised gasp from the bed, " GRANDMA?!?! What are you d-doing here?! "

She breathed a short sigh of relief, she was scared that Claire had done something to herself , she walked closer ,  but to her surprise her daughter ducked down into her sheets. " What's wrong honey? "

" Everything is fine! "

" You look pale, don't lie to me! "

It took her grandmother a few seconds to realize, what was wrong , her granddaughter was trying to hide her body, but Claire had been prone to self harm before, " Are you cutting yourself again?! Show me your hands right now "

" NO! I'm not doing anything… just why are you even here grandma? " " Why did she have to come in now… Why did the light have to go out now?! "  

" Honey I'm just worried about you " She said as she pulled at her hand… he was only focused on her hand and breathed a sigh of relief when there were no cuts.. 

But she was more surprised by what she saw next… it looked like her granddaughter was completely naked, and wasn't wearing anything at all… "

Claire immediately went red and hid under her blankets… cursing under her breath… her grandmother didn't register what had happened at first. There were a lot of things going in the mind of the old lady, but she simply asked one thing. " Who's in there with you? "

" NO ONE "

" Claire, I'm not gonna be mad, because you're almost 20 now, I just wanna know who's hiding in your bed " 

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