Chapter 4

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I straightened out my uniform as I stood in front of a full-length mirror covered in muck and dust. I had on a white blouse with a brown vest in top with gold trim and buttons. Around my collar was my best attempt at tying a bow from the black and white striped fabric given to me. My blouse was tucked into black slacks that had a gold line running down the outer lengths. The slacks matched my blazer that I had on but not buttoned. On my left arm I had a lavender and brown striped ribbon tied to the upper portion.

"Viv, are you ready?" Yuu's voice traveled in echoes through the empty mansion.

"Yeah! I'll be down in a second!" I yelled back. I grabbed the jeweled pen and tucked it behind my right ear. My gloved hand tucked some of my braids behind my ears as well. With one final check in the mirror, I nodded my approval. I ran down the staircase, careful to avoid some of the obvious weak spots of the structure and met Yuu and Grim at the front entrance.

"How's the uniform working for you?" Yuu asked as I drew closer.

"It's fine. The blouse sleeves are a little long, but I like the cuffs over my hands. Gives me something to fiddle with, you know?" I responded as I played with the dangling fabric. I smiled at them and said, "I'm all set for the day!"

Grim pumped his paw in the air, "Alright! Then let's get going to school so we can become great magicians!"

We exited our dorm and headed to the main building on campus. It turned out I was put in the same class as Yuu, Grim, and the two guys I met yesterday. That was fortunate because I would have gotten lost trying to find the classrooms on my own otherwise. During the morning, I would catch some students starring at me. It was easy enough to ignore since none of them tried talking to me. Before I knew it the lunch period was upon us.

Grim complained about the last class we had as we all walked to the cafeteria. "I think the only magic Professor Trein did was making all the students fall asleep."

"Headmaster Crowley was right. Classes do go really fast," I heaved with sagging shoulders.

"I kept falling asleep no matter how hard I tried to stay awake," Grim continued his whines.

"You didn't try at all. You fell asleep five minutes into class starting," Deuce reprimanded.

Ace was joyously singing the same lines as we neared the cafeteria doors, "It's lunch time~! Can't wait to eat~!"

When Ace opened the doors to our destination a swarm of students was before us. I blinked a few times and asked a loud, "Is it always this crowded?"

"No, there are a lot more people than usual today." Ace's sing-song voice stopped.

A ghost manifested beside us. I flinched at the sight and hid behind Deuce. His eyes went wide when he saw me slip away from the specter. "Uh, are you okay Viv?"

"Oh, yeah uh...I'm just not used to the, uh, supernatural." I stammered. I rubbed my hands together as though I was trying to warm myself and peered around Deuce ever so slightly.

"Today is a special day! The famous bakery at the mountain's base is catering lunch today," it explained to Ace and Yuu. "We often sell out, so you better hurry if you want something good!"

The calls of student orders and of even more ghosts updating the availability of products made the volume in the room astronomical.

"Ooo, it all looks so good! I don't know what to get," Ace had a huge grin on his face.

"It sure does look popular," Deuce commented. He turned to look at Yuu, "What are you and Grim going to get? Oh, and Viv too."

"I~...think I'm good," I gave them a thumbs up and a very fake smile. "I'll just hang back."

Mother of Pearl: A Floyd Leech x OC FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now