Chapter 22

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Nishikata stared blankly at the screen of his computer, almost like he was lost in thought , the feeling of soft lips on his cheek was still fresh in his mind

Then suddenly a finger snapped in front of him and snapped him out of his daze.. " Wha- "

" Are you even paying attention? " The girl who was sitting beside him on his desk said, a bit annoyed .

" Sorry Kusanagi-san I just spaced out.. "

" I'll explain and ask for the last time, we are done with English and Japanese, we need to do either science or history today so stop daydreaming "

They had finished English the previous day and honestly it was because of her, she was a lot better at English , normally people would just copy and paste the info from google or books , but she somehow shortened the sentences without them losing their meaning, essentially reducing their work by a lot, now was it because of laziness or not she was better then him and and probably even better than takagi when it came to languages

" Yeah... If I remember correctly we need to make a report on Japanese history , from one of two subjects, Japanese culture or Japanese architecture... "

" Yeah we can just take the information from google.. "

" Hmm... I think we can do architecture.. I already have a lot of stuff done beforehand..."

" Beforehand? "

" Yeah... I want to be an architect .. And I always liked buildings... "

" Oh? It's nice that you know what you wanna do... I'm still confused.. "

" You know what, follow me for a second ... "

" Where though? "

" Just downstairs.. "

He hurriedly walked down the stairs and went to the Hall, just beside the drawing room and the kitchen was a white door, he took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door , she peered inside, it was a staircase leading to a basement of sorts.

He walked down the stairs, she followed him and at first it seemed dark as they was no visible light source, but then he turned on the ceiling lights, and she was blinded temporarily by the bright light

She squinted her eyes for a few seconds before the vision became clear... it was a rather large room , almost like there was a whole basement floor underground , it probably covered the the entire floor plan of the ground floor of their house

" You've got a pretty large basement... "

" It helps, you get a lot of extra room for kidnapping and torturing more people at a time "

" Oh please you won't even come close to my body count "

He wasn't expecting the joke to work since the last time he tried it, it didn't work at all, " Nice"

She looked and her eyes landed on a set of rather large tables, sticking to the wall forming a platform of sorts at just below their waist level, she looked forward and saw models of house and buildings, fully coloured

She immediately ran towards them and examined them closely, it was as if there was a miniature city being built in his basement she counted and there were over 40 individual buildings on the table

Not only that , it looked like there was a road plan and everything , and it wasn't just a collection of a bunch of models of buildings , but like a properly planned city , they even had little streetlights and small lights inside the model which could be turned off and on

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