Chapter 21

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Yosuke's mother was cleaning the house, she was on a cleaning spree after all, she stepped into her husband's home office

It wasn't particularly messy, it was mostly empty and undecorated, with only the necessary potted plants and shelves, and a layer of dust over everything

She climbed up on a chair and began Dusting the cabinet, her hands landed on a simple cardboard box attop the shelves

She saw them in silence... not daring to make a sound, she quickly locked the door and put the box on the table...

His mother loved both yosuke and Rie very much, when she had lost Rie's twin sister , it had been extremely traumatic for her and her husband.... For years she was protective of her little girl, she let everything slide , she was too precious to her...

She didn't realize how she had neglected her son ... him leaving them completely had little impact on them... Rie was still close to him at that point she had begged for him to not leave them, but yosuke had been firm, and in the second part of his third year in high school, he had moved out...

It was steadily going downhill , he probably wanted to cut all contact with them, she didn't fully understand why he didn't... now she knew... she had been a bad parent... but by the time they realized it was too late, yosuke was already too far gone.. He had no intention ...

Yosuke had the habit of writing things down, some were things he didn't wanna say to the person sometimes he just wanted to get things off his chest, she had always thought his anger over Rie was just a rebellious teenager phase...

When Rie had been hospitalized for a dangerous liver infection because she needed to stay in the hospital they couldn't come to his graduation from high school... , yosuke didn't come to visit her... he had enough of her, she needed a liver donation, her father was diabetic so he couldn't donate and his mother wasn't a close enough match so there was only one person left to donate, yosuke.

Livers can regenerate that meant that after donating some part of his liver to her, his liver would simply regenerate in a few months time

When asked why he didn't visit her at all, he simply sent a letter, he didn't wanna talk, he didn't wanna see them, he sent them a letter and blocked them on almost everything... The letter was unsettling to say the least.. There was over a decade's worth of anger in those words...

When she and husband saw them, they were furious, how could he say such things about his own sister? They tried contacting him, blocked .

They tried travelling to the city to where he lived with his friend yuma, but yosuke had been smart, he left their house a few weeks prior and was already settled somewhere else, he had left a note to them which simply said, " So you have time to leave my sister in hospital now, but you didn't have time to pay attention to me? "

It was desperate they had to go back to their daughter, yosuke had also refused to help one of their relatives with money even though had a lot of it, but this was the final nail in the coffin and his mother and father both disowned him completely... maybe this was his intention from the start.. To get away...

Once their daughter's conditions were stabalized and they needed a donor quickly... they couldn't ask yosuke since he was no where to be found with no way of communication.. Thats when she found it... his stache of papers where he had written his thoughts down...

She didn't know why she stopped and read them all but all became perfectly clear once they read everything... the oldest of these papers were from when he was nine...

As one started to read... they could understand how he slowly became jealous of his sister, and then you could see that his issues slowly turned into resentment, it made her cry...

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