Chapter 20

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It was the last class before school was over, and the teacher needed to make an important announcement.. 

" Students , there is are 5 compulsory projects that all students have to do, you can choose from one of three topics, you have to do the project in pairs, this will count for 20% of the first semester exam marks , I know everyone hates history so if you do the project well there won't be as much pressure on you during the first exam "

" Sir… so can we choose who to work with? "

" No. I've already decided the pairs "

" But Why "

"Because I said so "

The girl huffed and got back in her chair 

A project huh? Well it's not like nishikata was gonna miss out on free marks, but he was always against group projects because it always felt like he and some other poor person in the group were the only one who actually wanted to do something and not slack off , as he was thinking the final bell rang and everyone got up to leave

But the teacher wasn't done yet, " We are behind on maths course so you all won't be getting any free time in school ,  you will have to complete the project outside school "


" Don't 'Noooo' me, you guys are the reason it's taking this long now suck it up I want the projects in two weeks , by the way your seatmate is your partner "

Everyone was pissed, it wasn't their fault their teacher couldn't control them at all, and it definitely wasn't their fault for messing around a bit too much.. 

But more than that they were mortified , the only good thing about group projects is that you can drag it on and ditch a few classes but now with no time in school they would still study like normal and also lose the after school time , more than that, the girls and the boys were arranged alternately , most of the boys were paired with girls , now in a school were rumors ran wild and holding hands made you a couple , no one was too keen to get into any sort of rumors 

Nishikata turned to his side, a familiar face, they had only talked once.. On the first day of class, they hadn't interacted since , it's not that they disliked each other , they just didn't have any reason to talk, and the only impression he had of her was as a bubble gum girl, he just hoped it wasn't gonna be awkward 

" So I guess you're stuck with me now… " Nishikata tried to start a conversation 

" You should get another partner… '' She said nonchalantly 

" Damn that was cold " " Excuse me?"

" Now don't misunderstand, unless you want to finish a two week project in a week … "

" What… " 

" You see I'm part of the gymnastics Club and track club "

" Sporty I see….. "

" Well I'll have to go for a gymnastics competition in about a week.. So if you decide to work with me then we'll have to finish fast "

" I see… Most others are staying after school to finish so that they don't have to meet out of school… so I'll assume sir will give you extra time to finish the project "

" Not to mention … no offense but you could be a slacker and I don't wanna do all that work Myself "

" If I don't work with you , you're gonna have to do all that work alone anyway "

" But then I'll have 4 weeks to do it and I won't have to do everything in just one week " She told him 

" Ah I see… but I'll stay your partner… "

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