Chapter 19

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The light was warm... it made her feel protected... it made her feel welcome... Protected... .

Claire stared at her surroundings.. After the festival it seemed that yosuke didn't say anything about the bold move she had just made , he had pushed the matter away... a part of her was scared she'd moved too soon.. Had she just just taken advantage of his instinct to protect? Anyway the thought of him possibly leading her on was scary to say the least... he had fulfilled his promise though He stayed with her so that no one could trouble her...

Yosuke had a good poker face, even more unbreakable than his sister's ... So while he seemed calm and collected he was a complete mess inside...

He had other girlfriends before but the only reason they didn't work out was because he just didn't have the same Affection towards them... he didn't feel any romantic or sexual attraction to anyone he wasn't already close with... And from his perspective those girls were almost strangers to him he didn't have the guts to reject them ... one of the girls even called him out on it...

But this time was different... he had thought the break ups won't affect him... what it did was make him scared... he felt attracted to her but considering how his past relationships went... he was just scared it wouldn't work out in the end...

The reason all of his break ups weren't messy was because he and the girls were still strangers... There was nothing to lose, nothing at stake... that's why they weren't hurt or emotional when the relationship ended

He wasn't dumb he knew about Claire's feelings for him... he was better at reading others than his sister and her feelings were almost obvious

but in this case... he is risking his friendship with Claire over the possibility of a relationship... the girl was very close to him , which was terrifying

The people who are the closest to you are also the ones who can hurt you the most he had learned it the hard way from his parents and his sister. He didn't want to hurt her... he didn't want to get hurt..

So he had taken some time to really think this through, he wasn't gonna lead her on... he hadn't rejected any of the other girls because he just couldn't, but this time he needed to give Claire a whole hearted answer...

Even if it meant rejecting her

Because frankly he didn't even know his feelings for her, like sure he was attracted to her but attraction his different from love... he needed to confirm was he attracted to her or was he in love.

That being said... avoiding her didn't exactly leave a good impression, he could tell Claire was getting impatient and anxious... he decided to confront her..

" Hey Claire you have a minute? "

" Yeah... what do you want? " She asked.. Even though she was getting anxious she was still being a sweet angel to everyone

" I don't want anything, just I want to talk... In private if possible.."

" Let's go to my room... " She suggested..

" Sure... "

They didn't say anything... They walked towards the other side of the hallway, it was the only part of the house he hadn't been in... she slowly pushed the door it opened without a sound... slowly he stepped inside

The room was almost twice the size of his room... the walls were off white , slightly warmer , while the floor was solid hardwood, the was a huge shelf housing many rolls of paper, she was an architecture student, she had half of her room converted to sort of a studio...

There was an unfinished canvas oil painting on the stand, there were many finished drawings on paper stuck onto the extra large cork board , most of them were illustrations of buildings and bridges , there were many paintings which adorned the walls of her studio most of which were made by her, one of the desks which was in the studio was filled with art supplies and geometric tools..

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