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Izuku sat all night catching his mom up with everything that had happened, leaving the obvious villainy out of it as he didn't want her to ever know. Even though her husband is the  biggest villain in all of Japan, or maybe even the world; the news of his little side-hobby was something he was sure she wouldn't accept nor enjoy the idea of.

He didn't leave her side for a second, fearing that if he even turned to look the other way she'd vanish into thin air once more.

"Izuku?" Inko called out.

"Yeah? What's up mom?"

"This 'Eri' girl... where is she?"

"Back in the city I told you about. She's safe."

"Are you sure?" She questioned, apologizing afterwards. "It's just that... I'm a mom, you know? I worry about these kinda of things."

Izuku gave her a small smile. "Don't worry. I get that. I'm very protective of her. Right now she's probably sleeping or bothering Toga."

"Toga sounds like a lovely girl!" Inko smiled, thinking about all the good things her son said about her.

"Well..." Izuku deadpanned, looking away as his mom didn't notice.

"I'd like to meet them some day." The green-haired girl spoke happily looking out the large window by her bed in a dazed-like look. "And thank them for caring for you."

"I can bring Eri over sometime, or take you to meet her."

"That sounds lovely!" She gushed.

"She's gonna love you." Midoryia spoke his thoughts aloud. "I'll if he can bring us over."

He got up, giving his mom a kiss on her forehead, before walking to the door, ready to run out to ask the odd man if he can bring his boyfriend and sister over.

"That sounds lovely, but Izuku—" She said, reaching her hand out worriedly as walked out.

"I'll be back soon! Promise!" He smiled brightly before closing the door behind him.

"There's something... I needed to tell you..." She sighed defeatedly, placing her outreached hand back on her lap. Inko stared down at it with a saddened expression. "Please be safe."

Izuku wandered around the empty halls of the manor, trying to map-out every corner mentally as he walked. After some time, he managed to find All for One, who was on the phone with someone.

"Just come over. I hate speaking over the phone." He said in a deep yet scratchy voice, though not quite like Shigaraki's. "Come tomorrow at noon. I'll provide the access here.... Yes... Yes... Goodbye." He hung up with a sigh of annoyance.

"Uh... sorry to interrupt..." Izuku knocked on the door.

The man turned around quickly, visibly tensing once the greenette entered the room.

"How much did you hear?"

"I just got here as soon as you hung-up." Izuku shrugged. "I was just wondering if I could bring my mom to Deika City."

"What? Why?"

"She's so cooped-up in here and I feel like she needs a breath of fresh air. New atmosphere, you know?"

If the man had any form of clear facial features, he'd be showing a mix of irritation and indecisiveness.

"If you want, we can be warped back here at a curfew. I also need to check up on Shigaraki as he's gonna inherit your quirk soon." Midoriya bargained, shifting his weight to his right foot.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя