Part eighty-three

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(Chloe's POV)

"Chloe. Wake up. Wake. Up!" I jumped hearing Clint's voice

"What?! What's going on?" I asked groggily.

"Come downstairs." He told me and I jumped out of bed and followed him. As I followed him down the stairs I could hear Steve's voice.

"Is Steve here?" I asked running my eyes.

"No. But he called. He wants my help." He said before sitting down and turning a laptop in my direction. "Here she is Cap."

"Chloe. Sorry to wake you." Steve frowned through the screen.

"It's fine." I lied and took a seat next to Clint. "What's up?"

"I know you said you were done with the superhero life, but I could use your help," Steve told me.

"He didn't do it, Steve. There's no way. He's not a bad guy anymore." I said out loud.



"Bucky. He's a good guy." I told him.

"How do you-nevermind. I know he's not to blame. The point is, I need your help though. And you have every right to say no, but-"

"I'll be there. I'm assuming I have a ride?" I looked at Clint who nodded. "I'll be there. Don't worry about it."

Steve nodded and the call ended. "You have something you want to say?" Clint turned and asked me.

"I'm gonna go grab my stuff," I told him and went to grab some of my things.

I was stuffing a pair of gloves into a small bag when I felt a presence behind me. I glanced behind me to see Laura standing there. "You're going as well?"

"They need me. They're as much my family as you guys are. I can't leave them when they need me most." I mumbled.

Grabbing my phone, I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked to her. "You know, they wanted you to go waterskiing with them in the morning." I laughed at her comment.

"Tell them I'm sorry. I really am."

"I know. Just be safe alright sweetie?"

"Yes ma'am." I saluted her and made my way down the stairs where Clint was waiting.

"You ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep. I just have to make one stop on our way." I smiled slightly. "I'll be outside."


I sighed debating whether or not I should do this. I had hyped myself up on the way here, but now that I stood in front of his house, I wasn't sure I could. 

Before I could chicken out I knocked on the door. I knew someone was up because the living room light was on.

I just prayed it was him.

The door opened and in front of me stood Harley. "Chloe? What are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?" He asked in shock.

"Yes. And I'm really sorry, but this can't wait." I told him trying to keep the sadness out of my voice.

"Okay. Come in." He said almost hesitantly.

"I can't. I just need to say something then I can go." I said bluntly.

"Okay. Go ahead. What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath and said, "I like you. A lot. Like, a lot a lot."

"I like you too." He smiled tiredly."

I smiled at him and continued. "And I want to make sure that you don't get hurt. And sometimes to do that, I have to do things that I don't want to do. I really like you, so much so that doing this is killing me. I'm about to do something really, really dumb. I'm gonna do something that I can get arrested for. And if we're dating, that puts you in harm's way."

"Wait. Wait are you-are you breaking  up with me? Seriously?" He asked angrily as he stood up straight.

"I'm sorry, Harley. I really am sorry. But if I'm dating you, and everything goes how I think it's going to go, I don't want you getting involved. I'm going to Germany, and I'm not one-hundred percent sure I'm coming back. And if breaking up with you keeps you safe, keeps your family safe, then I'm going to do it." I explained.

"Wh-I don't-you can't-" He stuttered.

I'm sorry, Harley. I'm really, really sorry. I truly do like you. But I'm not going to put you in danger by associating yourself with me. I have to go." I gazed at him before kissing his cheek gently and leaving.

That was harder than I thought it was gonna be.

I wiped my cheek as a tear fell. Taking a deep breath, I quickly made my way back to the jet and met up with Clint. "You done?" He asked watching me.

"Yep. Let's go." I nodded.

"You alright?" I looked at him for a second before nodding again.

"Where are we going next?"

"New York. We're going to pick up Wanda. Then after that, we got one more stop." He said pulling the jet off the ground.


"San Francisco."

"Cool." I smiled.


"I'm pushing a button. Just go." I told Clint as he handed me the detonator. "And you should really stretch."

"I'm fine. I'll be back in a minute." I nodded and he ran off.

He should really stretch.

After about five minutes, I pressed the red button on the stick and the bomb we set up exploded. I watched as something floated out of a window and went to check it out.

Come on Clint. Hurry up.

I watched in anticipation as Vision floated down to the spot where the bomb was, but then started moving back towards the compound.

Hurry up, Clint! He's coming!

I watched as Vision went back through the wall and my breath caught in my throat.

I moved back to the front of the jet and pushed a few buttons, turning the engine on. I sighed when I saw Clint and Wanda running towards the jet.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"Wanda kicked Vision's metal hind." Clint laughed.

"Cool. You good?" I asked Wanda. She nodded as she caught her breath. "Where to next Mr. Haweye?"

"I told you before. San Francisco." He shook his head in amusement.

"Right. Home of Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge. Fun."

Off we go....

Enjoy this chapter while I spend some time in Pigeon Forge for my mom's birthday.

We're into civil war now so stuff's getting real. Let me know your thoughts!😋

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