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Day 1-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Summer is such a wonderful season.

It's when trees are the greenest, and flowers are the prettiest they can be.

Little bugs wake up from their sleeps, playing hide-and-seek with the energetic children in the playground.

Cicadas' humming is the theme song of this beautiful season, going by this logic, popsicles must be the charm.

"Any plans for summer?"

"Yeah, I am planning on going to the water park."

"Sounds fun! Count me in!"


'What are they talking about? Maybe plans for the summer vacation? Kinda jealous...'

It's the last day of school. Chit-chats about the upcoming summer vacation had been brewing for weeks now. Some were going fishing, the others are going swimming, still others are going camping... All sorts of fun schedules for the highly anticipated vacation. Takagi rarely has plans for summer vacation, only occasional shopping with the girls. It wasn't because she was lazy, it was all to make time for her beloved boy. Although she doesn't get to see him as much, every time she goes out door, the little delight of bumping into him on the street always makes her day.

Maybe she spent too much time with him.

That was also what was making time like this especially unbearable.

After a long and jarring speech by the principal, summer vacation officially began! Students rushed out of the campus like wild animals, some started their plans right away. In the midst of all the laughter and joy, a girl silently walked, her footsteps were heavy and filled with complains. 

A rock was kicked to the side, but Takagi didn't disturb it on purpose. Her mind completely drifted off into the distance, where her beloved was. The usually cheerful way home was so boring.

She recalled yesterday.


It was the usual way home. In sync footsteps and cheerful laughter echoed through the neighborhood.

"Two days before summer vacation." Takagi mentioned. "You got any plans?"

There was no answer.


"Ta...Takagi-san." Nishikata's stutter had given away his nervousness. "I'm going to a physical training camp for summer... I won't be here starting from tomorrow..."

Maybe he didn't know, but his fast heart beats stem from his unwillingness to leave.

Takagi managed to hid her little ache in the heart. "How long will you be leaving?"

"Almost the entire summer vacation... I heard it's strict there that we needed to hand our phone over as well..." Nishikata looked down. "But I will be back before summer vacation... maybe..."

"Is that so..." Takagi forced a smile. "You'd better make it back~"

"I... I will!" Nishikata nodded and blushed slightly. "I've made a promise after all..."

"Alright~ Don't miss me too much~" She leaned closer to him as a classic grin appeared on her face.

"You're too close, Takagi-san..." His bright face only emerge because of her.

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