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Julie's P.O.V.

"Dahlia, don't," I warn, holding her closer.

"I have to Jules," she says.

"They'll throw you in the nuthouse," I say. "Please, please lie."

"Julie," Dahlia says calmly, rubbing my back with her palm. "It's okay."

I close my eyes tightly and bury my face against her shoulder. "I love you, Lia."

"I love you too," she says, kissing my head. "You and Flynn have to stay quiet now, okay?"

"Why do you have to be such a big sister? You're only 10 minutes older," I feel myself staring to cry. She pulls away from me and wipes a tear off my cheek.

She steps back toward the ambulance before winking, "12."

I watched paramedics pull my sister back to the ambulance, reading vitals, putting her on a gurny. My dad climbs in with them as they speed off followed by two cop cars.

All of this. Because my sister went missing for 6 hours and came back walking through everything like there was nothing here.

All of this. And she was going to end up in some mental institution because she was going to tell the truth.

All of this. And Luke was still trapped at the club.

All of this.

"Julie?" I hear a voice ring behind me. I turn around to see Reggie and Alex standing behind me.

"Reggie, Alex," I say in a quiet whisper. I wait for the street to clear of some people watching me before throwing my arms around the two of them. I'm shocked when I don't simply pass through them.

"Julie!" I hear a familiar voice shout. I break my hug with the boys to see Flynn running toward me.

"Flynn!" I yell, hugging her.

"Is Dahlia okay? Are you okay? I got here as soon as I could," she rambles. She breaks our hug. "Are the guys here?"

"Alex, Reggie," I tip my head at both of them respectively.

"Where's Luke?" Flynn asks.

I drop my eyes to the ground, no speaking.

"Did he not make it?" She asks.

I shake my head slowly.

"Oh," Flynn breathes. "I'm so sorry, Julie. And Alex and Reggie. I-I had no idea."

I don't say anything and Flynn pulls me into a hug. I hug her back, quiet sobs escaping me. I stay there, in Flynn's arms until my aunt comes over to us to drive us to her house.

"Your dad says you can stay with me tonight Mija," she says sweetly. "Flynn, you should go home, sweetheart. It's a good night to hug your parents, yeah?"

"Keep her safe, Victoria," Flynn smiles.

Tia rubs my shoulder and walks me to her car. Carlos is already in it, his head bobbing from drifting in and out of sleep.

Why'd it have to be Dahlia?


Yo yo yiggity yo!

So here's 59. Three more folks



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