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Dear Dahlia,

If you're reading this, it probly means everything went as planned. Or maybe it didn't and you're reading this because Julie found it under her dreambox one day. Either way, you have it now. Which means I can say this to you without messing it up or making you angry at me. I mean, I'm not there to see you cry, so that should help me get through this.
First things first, I know it wasn't exactly convene- convenient for Reggie, Alex, and I to become a part of your life. And I know we weren't always the best to be around. But we're all happy we've gotten to be with you as long as we have been. And none of us would change a thing. Expectal- Especially me.
Second, I want to thank you. For taking care of me. Of all of us. You're the most selfless person I've ever met (and I was raised by the Emily Patterson.) I just want you to know that you did more for the three of us than you'll ever relai- realize.
Lastly, I need you to know that I love you, Dahlia. I was always scared to say it, becuz I knew that really, you would never say it back. But now that I'm gone anyway, it won't matter if you say it back. Everything you do would make my heart pound if it could beat. And I just wish we could've met when I was alive. Things could have been so different, Dahl.
Now, go out and be (almost) 16. You never no when your tainted hotdog could be right around the corner. So, live!

In neat, slightly curled handwriting were the words.

For me.

And next to that, it capitalized letters was.


Then at the very bottom, in the same messy handwriting as the rest of the letter, were the words.

For me.
-Guitar Boy

I read the letter again, my eyes brimming with tears. I realized that the neat writing was Alex. The capitals was Reggie. And Luke had signed the letter as Guitar boy. It wasn't until my third time through that I noticed the spelling mistakes and the huge strike throughs where he corrected himself. And it wasn't until my fourth time through the letter that my eyes where to watery to make out the words anymore.

There's pounding on the door and I jump.

"LA Police Department! Open the door!"

I quickly get on my feet, fold the letter up and stick it in my pocket. I walk to the door and stand with my hand on the handle.

"You're not going to hurt me are you?" I ask through the door.

"Dahlia Molina?" The officer shouts.

"Move!" I hear someone yelling. "Move! That's my daughter!"

I quickly unlock the door and fling it open. "Papa!"

"Mija!" He yells, rushing toward me and picking me up in a hug. "Are you okay? What happened? Where did you go?"

"I-" I shake my head. "I don't know."

"Sir," the officer addresses my dad. "We're going to have to take her in."

"Can I please just have a minute with my daughter, officer?" Dad asks, thought judging by his tone it sounds more like an order.

The officer clears his throat. "Of course. My apologies."

Dad takes my hands in his as the officer steps away.

"Where's Julie?" I ask. "Carlos?"

"They're outside with Tia, honey," Papa says, glancing toward the officer. He nods and leads us back downstairs. He walks us toward an ambulance where paramedics have me sit.

"Dahlia!" I hear Julie shout. I see her running toward me and I quickly stand up, ripping the blood pressure reader off my arm.

"Julie!" I yell, racing toward her. We hug, tighter than I've hugged her in the last year and a half. "Are Reggie and Alex with you?" I whisper while we hug.

"I found them," she says back quickly. "Where is Luke?"

"Caleb has him," I rush. "Get the note from my right pocket and keep it safe." I feel her hand slip down my back and to my pocket. "I have to tell the truth, but you don't. Okay?"

"What are you talking about?" She asks quickly. "Dahlia what are you doing?"

"Saving your ass."


I'm at school so you're probably gonna have to wit until like 330 for the next one bbg

But here's the note yall were begging for damn

Jk ily😂❤❤❤



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