Chapter 17

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He didn't know what to do… she was sitting right next to him eating her food… she couldn't even face him… she had done what he had done… her intentions were not as she just wanted to vent about her frustration but wasn't comfortable bringing the fight up … but she hadn't considered the consequences… an emotionally unstable Nishikata with high anxiety vs every person he knows … it would have been disastrous.. 

His attitude could be explained as emotional Instability … but she was alright… how did she let it get so worse… he had asked and warned her about his mental state… That time she had confidently said she would be alright , but all it took was one petty argument… 

The dinner had gone smoothly… too smoothly… neither had the chance to talk to each other… her parents weren't too fond of how his mother left him alone in the house, they offered to have him sleepover… Nishikata was a bit hesitant… he didn't mind sleeping over ….though he didn't like the fact that he would probably have to sleep in her room. It was already awkward… 

He was given the opportunity to crash in yosuke's room instead… he took that Opportunity.. 

Part of her was glad… she was dreading the confrontation when she apologized… the other part was sad… this could have given her an opportunity to apologize…. 

Nishikata was now in yosuke's room… it was a lot more spacious since he was only here temporarily yosuke is supposed to head back to college in some time for his forth year… most of his stuff was still at Claire's grandparents' house.. 

Takagi was climbing up the stairs… her mom had asked for something from yosuke's room.. 

As she was about to knock the door heard some words… 

" Are you planning on asking her nishikata? "

" Asking me? Asking me what? "

" Yeah… she's perfect.. *unintelligible sound* .. " 

She felt her face heat up… was this what she thought it was… 

Yosuke repeated him a bit louder, " Are you seriously planning on asking her… "

" Yes… "

" Well I can't really change your mind… but please reconsider… does it really have to be her… ? "

" What do you mean? "

" If it's possible don't ask her for this… I've already made you promise one thing so I can't force you but please think this through.. It doesn't have to be her… " Yosuke was trying his best to convince nishikata to not ask takagi… 

Takagi was filled with immense confusion… he was helping her rekindle her relationship with him… then why is he suddenly trying to destroy it… " Who's fucking side is he on??!!! " Yosuke had saved their relationship and he was capable of destroying it too… that scared her… 

" I'll think it through… " Nishikata said… there was silence… he tried to go to the bathroom to slip out of the awkward situation… he opened the door… 

Takagi felt the metal door nob hit her stomach… nishikata was trying to leave so had opened the door quite forcefully… quite the painful gut punch… 

It made her upper body move forward and her head crashed into the hard wood door… and she fell down with quite a thud 

He immediately paniked and went up to her still on the floor… " Are you okay?! I'm so sorry I - I didn't mean to do that… "

" No… " She said while holding her forehead which had a patch of blood.. " I'm not okay… "

" I'm so sorry "

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