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That same night, Eri ran to her shared room, squealing in excitement as she was finally able to sleep in her bed with all her stuffed animals. Her favorite had actually stayed here during her stay at UA which brought some sadness when she remembered about it.

She called the stuffed rabbit she carried around "Aoi", as it was a navy-blue color. Toga had found it and gifted it to the young girl, which originally founded their bond.

In short, it's one of Eri's most valuable objects.

She jumped to bed happily, awaiting the much needed sleep after such a long and eventful day. Toga, Todoroki, and Midoryia entered the room, watching the girl talk to the blue bunny happily, rambling about their time apart.

Todoroki sat on Izuku's bed, scanning the rather soft and comfortable bed he had; not expecting villains to live such a comfortable and luscious life as this. He rather expected a scruffy bed with dusty floors and furniture. He wasn't too far off, as that's how they lived in their beginnings.

Toga smiled, walking towards the pale-haired girl. "Want me to sing you to sleep again?" The blonde asked, placing her blade in one of her outfit's boxes. After some time, you could say she started to like her villainous outfit the League handed to her on their times of low-budget.

"Yes please!" Eri beamed, eyes holding a bright glint within them.

Toga nodded, sitting beside her and brushing her fingers through the younger's hair gently. "Which song?"

"ADVENTURE TIME!!" She threw her hands up in the air happily.

Izuku sat next to Shoto who still examined the room curiously, placing his hand on the other's with a small smile gracing his lips.

"I'll sing you my favorite then."


Toga then began to hum a tune from the show with a slight saddened expression, knowing what it signified and where it was from. Eri understood the song, but never really found it sad, just comforting. It quickly became one of Eri's favorite songs, humming it from time to time.

Izuku quickly recognized it as one of the ending songs from the show, 'Time Adventure.'

Todoroki and Izuku listened to her sing quietly, rather entranced my her soft voice which was slowly lulling them both asleep as well.

The freckled boy leant his head against the other's shoulder, eyes growing heavy bit-by-bit. On the other hand, The herochomic-eyed teen just listened to each word intently, shutting his eyes completely as he listened.

Toga, unaware of what she was doing, kept singing the song to the sleepy girl until she was completely out of commission; giving her a kiss on the forehead once she was fast asleep.

She turned to face the boys to tell them how Eri was now asleep, but to her surprise, the two were equally as passed out. Without a second thought, she walked over and covered the two with a blanket quickly, leaving the room with a final goodbye they wouldn't hear.

"Ah~" She sighed dreamily. "How I wish I could have that...!" Toga then skipped down the hall to her own room.


Dabi clutched his already-disheveled hair in his hands. He bit his lip as he sat in deep thought inside his dark room. "Fuck...!" He yelled under his breath, not wanting anyone to know of his distress. He was sure Midoriya knew who he was, he was a supposed genius-child, after all.

The teal-eyes male had spent all night awake, thinking over his entire life again. Dark circles under his eyes indicating his sleep-deprivation further.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant