On The Bridge(Short)

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"I want to die... I want to die..."

The quiet words he murmured and the soulless expression told it all.

"I want to die... I want to die..."

It was a freezing day. The gray cloudy sky sent down gentle snow, covering the street white.

"I want to die... I WANT TO DIE!" Bumpily footsteps turned into heavy dashes.

Breaking through the wind, couple of trips and falls, but eventually the boy arrived at a bridge.

He leaned against the fence.

The river wasn't fast, but the height was enough. Plus the low temperature, he would die of losing body heat at no time.

"I want to die..." Tears dropped from the boy's eyes.

He climbed over the fence easily, and soon had only a hand holding on.

"If I let go... I die..." He sobbed. "I would die..."

"Don't do it."

The boy turned around in terror.

A girl wearing a pure white dress was standing on the bridge.

"How are you...?" The boy asked, voice trembling. "Are you alive...?"

"I'm dead." The girl shook her head. "Sorry..."

"Hallucination, huh?" The boy chuckled in pain.

"No." The girl said calmly. "I'm here. I can't proof it... but I'm here."

The boy stared at her in silence.

"Don't jump." She spoke. "Live on... for me."

"I don't want to." The boy lower his head. "Though that would mean your effort in vain... but I can't... live..."

"You have some nerves." The girl frowned. "It hurt, you know. I worked up so much courage as well..."

"Were you lonely?" The boy cut her off. "In this past week?"

The girl's eyes wide opened.

Tears came out of the corner of her eyes, dripping upward into the cloud.

"Why... why am I the one crying?" The girl desperately trying to wipe her tears off. "I am suppose to tell you I'm in a better place! I'm suppose to stop you from... this!"

"It's ok to get a little selfish." The boy smiled gently. "You must be so lonely."

"You are... too kind...!" The girl sobbed. "Why do you have to be so kind?!"

The boy didn't say a word, and only look at her with a gentle smile.

"You are not going to change your mind." The girl calmed herself down and said.

The boy shook his head. "My hand is getting tired as well, we will talk up there, ok?"

"Actually, I went down there." The girl pointed at the ground.

"You're kidding." The boy's face turned pale for a second.

"Yes, I am." The girl chuckled. "Did you miss it?"

"Super." The boy teared a little. "A lot..."

"What if I visit you as this every day?" The girl suggested. "Then you don't have to do this..."

"You can't, can you?" The boy replied.

The girl was stunned for a second and smiled. "You've gotten sharp..."

"What does one say at this situation?" The boy looked up into the dim sky. "Neither hello nor goodbye works here..."

"How about see you shortly." The girl said. "Like what you said to me before I entered the operation room."

The boy thought about it. "See you shortly it is."

He climbed over the fence back on the bridge and bowed.

"Thank you for saving me from the car crash, Takagi-san. And I will see you shortly!" He cried out.

"You're welcome and... see you shortly, Nishikata." Takagi said with a quivery voice.

Nishikata stood back straight. He gave Takagi a gentle smile, then he turned around and jumped over the fence, into the river.

"See you shortly."


So I've been into this kind of sad stories lately, I might have a problem.

I  might do more from time to time and of course the main chapters are still being worked on.

Thank every single one of you for your support!

Accompany Is a Sincere Confessionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें