Chapter 30 : Family

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The last few weeks of his life were the best he'd had since the crash… his nephew had just arrived in this world.. Shuichi and suika were happy as he'd been born without any major complications… their family had a history of mental Illness and so they were still worried about the baby inheriting the bad genes… there was nothing bad confirmed at birth and as far as nishikata was concerned the baby was the second person in his family to have not been born with a mental illness, even though his issues weren't natural he decided he wasn't gonna try and be paranoid this once, his brother and sister in law were already too stressed… 

His girlfriend was looking better now, Takagi had spend many nights taking care of her boyfriend, she didn't say it but it was visible on her face, bags under her eyes, tiredness… she was suffering. God knows how she was able to keep the composure when really after nishikata's fight with Amano she was on the verge of breaking down, both nishikata and Takagi had lost a few kilograms of weight due to all the stress… 

Staying with their brother was a good decision… he was sleeping peacefully and as peacefully I mean like a baby who would randomly wake up at night , but this was a colossal improvement from what was before, 

the guilt was like a parasite, eating him whole from the inside. His fight with amano didn't help either and even though he was easily forgiven it wasn't easy for him to forgive himself… The girl was now in a coma...there was good chance she'd survive and equally good chance she'd die, the what-ifs about her state were enough to drive him crazy...He was but a husk of himself before they got to shuichi's house 

Takagi had gotten a good night's sleep for the first time in weeks, she was looking a lot better now, and so was nishikata, when no one was looking he secretly whispered to her , " You're beautiful " 

Takagi was used to receiving compliments , but this was the first time in weeks… she blushed and secretly gave him a kiss 

Everyone was sitting in the living room, suika held the baby in her arms, carefully, delicately, and the discussion was of great importance

" A name for the baby? " Takagi asked, " Usually people have a name decided before birth .. "

" There was nothing we both agreed on " Suika said, 

" We didn't have many suggestions to begin with and us not agreeing on a name didn't help too much " Shuichi calmly replied, " Well… I and yuki don't really have any relatives… mom and father are gone… no known relatives other than our late grandfather"

" When he joined he grew the business from about 100 million , to around 16 billion dollars, and after I joined we've increased it more… "

" How much is the business worth anyway now ? " Suika inquired, she worked with shuichi for years before they were engaged and she had been a close friend before, she had helped with managing the early financials with shuichi 

" 33 billion..., ever since Kryptos and Deimos "

" Kryptos and dei- what? " Takagi asked 

" The togami corporation acquired those two companies about 10 months ago" Shuichi informed 

" As is, these two companies are cyber security companies, we own multiple companies from different industries , remember the hotel in osaka and the one used for their wedding? " Nishikata explained " Kryptos and Deimos are our playground in the cyber security industry , my main job was to keep things running while Shuichi was negotiating the deals to buy them.. "

" Whatever that's not important, we have some..... Distant relatives who reached out to squeeze some money out of us… most of them were people I don't even know… so it's not like I and yuki have a big family… " He looked at suika and the baby " At least I'm satisfied with the family I have " 

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now