Chapter 15

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Yosuke was on the arcade machine, playing some games against his friend the game was a fighting game and he was absolutely being dominated by his friend,

" Yuma, how the heck did you get better at this shit… you're beating my ass… "

" You just haven't played in a while, cheer up dude " , they continued their conversation while fighting , " Any update on Claire? "

" No… still the same.. " Yosuke sulked… 

" Look man you can't keep hiding like this forever, you need to go back to see her… you won't be able to stay away from college for that much longer… "

" I know… I'm just scared of… well everything… "

" It's really hard to tell his feelings apart… I can't tell if he's come to terms with what happened or if he's just lying and putting on his tough guy act.."  Yuma sighed and pulled off and epic 18 move finishing combo on his and won the game 

" Dude.. Where did you learn that… " 

" How much longer do you plan to stay here… you'll need to get back there eventually… "

" I know… I just don't know if I'm ready yet… " 

" I guess we can't really push you too much … we should head back… "

" I… I'll stay here for a bit… "

" See you later I guess… " Yuma left the arcade 

 yosuke was still playing a game and trying to distract himself from the thoughts… he heard some familiar voices , he turned his head and was met by a familiar face , " Nishikata? "

" Oh hey yosuke-san… "

" You know this guy? " Takao peered from behind nishikata 

" Yeah he's our neighbor.. " Nishikata said , careful not to mention he was takagi's brother.. 

" What're you doing here? " Yosuke asked, " Is Rie here too? "

" I don't know where she is.. " He twisted the question back at him, " What are you doing? "

" I'm doing what most people do in the arcade… "

" Oh… well I guess see you later… " He said as he left along with his friends

Takao had challenged Sanae to a game of air hockey, and they were at the air hockey table going against each other… it was pretty intense with both of them coming pretty close to beating the other … mina was tinkering with the claw machine while Kimura was munching on a bag of chips, nishikata was checked his phone to see that there were two messages 

One was from nakai, it was a simple photo of mano and him together, with a simple "Thanks" below it , the other was from hamaguchi who thanked him for being his wingman 

He just replied " :) " To both of them, at least someone was having a better day than him… he played a few games himself, some with friends some single player, after finishing a particularly difficult dance games where you had to step on specific titles along with the beats , he got to the vending machine to get himself a can of juice… 

He put in two coins and got two cans… 

It took him a moment to realize he had bought an extra can, he was used to treating takagi to juice.. Sometimes even if she didn't defeat her in a game… he stared down at the juice can… Wondering what to do with it… he decided to go back and sure enough yosuke was still in the same place.. 

" Hey yosuke-san "

" Hey… " He asked a bit confused as to why he was suddenly approached by nishikata 

All of You is All of Me [Discontinued]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ