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^^artwork by me (:

"Yes, I can see you," I say, turning my head and looking at the strange boy. "Who are you?"

"Is Alex here?" He asks, ignoring my question.

"Alex," I repeat. "Willie?"

He ignores me again and shakes his head, "I'll just see myself then."

He walks into the garage and through me. I put my hands against my body and gasp. I still haven't gotten used to that even after months of living with three ghosts.

"Is that your lifer?" The boy asks.

"Willie," Alex says, stepping forward. "What are you doing here?"

"There's something I need to tell you," Willie says. "Those jolts you're getting, they're from Caleb. Okay, he wants you to join his club and if you don't then those jolts will-"

"What? Kill us?" Luke cuts him off.

"Yeah," Willie nods.

"Thats some club you've got going on," Luke spits.

"But there's another way. Thats why I'm here," Willie says, his voice on the urge of breaking. "Okay, maybe if you find out what your unfinished business is then you can cross over."

"Why should we listen to a word you say?" Alex cuts in, looking hurt.

"Because I care," Willie says breathily. "About you, Alex."

Alex's lips part, as if he wants to say something.

"And I'm so sorry that I got you and your friends caught up in all this," Willie voice breaks.

"I can't be away much longer," he says. "But I will come back this time."

He vanishes from the room and I stare at the spot where he was standing.

"Did-did I just see another ghost?" I stutter.

"Sounds like we've got options at least," Reggie sighs.

"Yeah and they're spending an eternity at the club, no longer existing, or crossing over," Luke says.

"All of our options means no more Julie," Alex sounds mournful. "No more Dahlia."

"What? No," I shake my head. "No there has to be another way. You - you can't leave me, leave Julie. She needs you. I need you."

I can't stop the tears that overflow from my eyes, rolling down my cheeks in salty streams.

"Lia, please don't cry," Alex walks over to me and takes my hand in his.

"I can't lose you too," I whisper, fearing the weakness of my voice.

"We'll always be here," he promises. "Even if we aren't here."

I nod and wipe my face, sniffling my nose, "I know that. But it'll be different."

"I know," Alex nods. "But you'll always be with us the way we are with you."

I force a smile before I lean into Alex's chest and he hugs me tightly.

Julie's P.O.V.

Dancing with Nick... I've been waiting my whole childhood to get this close to him. Now that I am, all I can think about is Luke's big, beautiful eyes.

The entire time I'm with Nick, I just see Luke. So when I spin back into Nick's arms as the song ends, I feel a wave a guilt crash into me.

"That was awesome," Nick says excitedly. "Thanks partner."

I smile, but in my head. I'm just thinking about all of the reasons why he shouldn't be thanking me.

After I change out of my performance outfit I grab Flynn's arm, "We need to talk."

"I know!" She shrieked. "You finally danced with Nick for real for real. How do you feel?"

"Conflicted," I admit. "The entire time I was dancing with Nick, I was thinking about Luke."

"No, no, no," Flynn waves her hand. "No, that can't be happening. You have a gig tomorrow night."

"But I'm grounded," I shake my head. "Look, you dad and I talked. We're throwing a garage party at your house tomorrow. So while you're out there sitting, you better avoid looking into those beautiful, dead eyes."

"Flynn, I don't-"

"Just do it, okay?" She cuts me off. "Once you start, it will be easy. I mean, I thought you were upset with him anyway because of the whole Dahlia thing?"

"Yeah," I nod. "But I can't stay mad at him."

"You can until after tomorrow night's performance," Flynn argues. "Now let's go. I'm starving and mama needs some food."

Dear Dahlia // B1Where stories live. Discover now