Chapter 29 Crimson riot figures and blackmail

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It was in the afternoon, me and Denki were talking about the bet we had made in the morning.

"So how are we going to prove who's top?" Denki asked sitting on the brown sofa in Mina's upstairs living room. Well, it wasn't really a living room, it was more of a free space that owned a sofa.
"I do have some evidence.." I said watching a bird from the window in front of us.

"Sweet, now shoot" Denki said smiling from the corner of my eye.

"Alright, I saw Bakugo limp a bit while walking to the kitchen,while Kirishima seemed fine" I said we calling my memories. The bird chirped and flew to another tree still in my sight.

"I saw Bakugo limp too.. But that's not enough proof" he said and shook his head. "anything else?"

"I have something else, but what's your proof?" I said now looking at him.

"Kirishima had a hickey in his neck" Denki said grinning cupping his face with his tick-mark shaped fingers.

"Firstly, Bakugo had a huge bitemark on his neck and secondly bottoms can give hickeys too" I said clearly annoyed, what was up with all this gay couple stereotyping? Who said the bottom doesn't give hickeys? Who said the taller one is top? And have you ever heard of switch?!

Denki seemed to sense my annoyance and said "Mm.. How about we ask them" Denki said slamming his fist into the palm of his hand.

"...I don't think they're going to tell us" I said wondering why he would ever think they would just tell us like that; after all, it totally wasn't something embarrassing to say.

"Bakugo isn't.." He mused "But we can bribe Kirishima! Or blackmail him, if we blackmail him, we are going to have to talk to Uraraka and Hagakure."

I blinked a bit surprised at what he just said "Maybe not blackmailing" I mumbled, I don't want to force it out of Kirishima like that by blackmailing him. Also blackmailing is not okay, to everyone reading this please don't blackmail people.

"Bribing it is then!" he said enthusiastically with his golden eyes literally shining.

"This isn't going to end well.."


"So how are we going to bribe Kirishima?" I asked right before I took a gulp of water.

"Well there's a lot of things Kirishima likes.. " Denki muttered as I set the jug of water on the table. "Most of the ones we can get he only likes so only one of them we can bribe him with" he said leaning back on the sofa.

"Which is?" I said looking at him.

"A crimson riot figure, but it has to be super expensive and hard to get or Kiribro probably already has it." he said.

"We can't buy it.." I mused remembering how expensive most red riot figures are.

"We could ask Momo to make one but they never mention what material those things are made from any more.. " Denki said scratching his chin. "Probably so they don't go out of business.. " I thought. The quirks nowadays made it easy for someone to just copy and create anything they wanted.

"Would Kirishima know the difference between a fake and a real one?" I said staring at the small brown table which was decorated with pink tulips and a white vase with golden linings.

"He's a pretty hardcore fan of crimsoned riot" Denki said shaking his head.

"Mm.. So what we need is someone who can figure out the width, height, structure, color and material of it just by looking at the display picture?" I mused.

"Yeah!" he said enthusiastically.

"So basically, an expert analyzer?" I said, rubbing the back of my craning neck.

"Yeah, if that's what you call it."

I sighed and leaned back on to the sofa. "And what if that plan doesn't work?"

"Well then we'll need someone to hack in and copy it or something" Denki laughed.

"Are you being serious?"I deadpanned.

"Kinda? Why?" Denki queried.

"Hey do you think there's a computer I can use?"


Thank you for reading this chapter, please vote or follow me!💕

I know I haven't updated in so long, but I'm kind of struggling right now as I'm juggling a lot of things.
I will try explain later,


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