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It has been exactly two years since the day they met.

The faithful day when the boy picked up a handkerchief off the ground.

How they had changed over the course of 24 months!

From enjoying the interesting reactions to genuine affection, from acts of revenge to excuse to interact.

From Nishikata-kun to Nishikata, from Takagi-san to Takagi...

Wait, not yet.

The first day of school went by quickly, and the reunion between them two was nothing short teasing.

On the familiar way home, with the familiar view, a familiar sentence was spoken by our protagonist.

"Let's have a contest, Takagi-san." Nishikata suggested.

But something was off. His usual confident smirk was gone, replacing it was an iconic blush.

"Strange~" Takagi commented, sharp as always. "You don't seem all that confident."

"Wha...what are you talking about...haha..." Nishikata replied awkwardly.

"Hmmm~" Takagi narrowed her eyes and grinned. "Something's sketchy~"

"Nothing's sketchy!" Nishikata blushed even harder. "Just... do you want to or not!"

"Sure." Takagi smiled. "I'll win anyway. Let's hear it."

"Race to the shrine." Nishikata explained the rules. "First one to get there wins."

"That simple?" Takagi tilted her head.

"Yeah. Oh! And the punishment." He smacked his hand together. "The loser have to give the winner something."

"That's a sketchy punishment as well." Takagi smirked. "But ok, let's do it."

With that settled, they both readied themselves in a running position.

"In three...two...one! Go!"

Nishikata barely ran as he watched Takagi sprint away from his line of sight.

He sighed as he took a glanced at the two movie ticket vouchers kept soundly in his pocket. "Hopefully this works..."

Three minutes later, Nishikata showed up at the shrine taking a longer route. The familiar wooden structure stood solemnly under the orange sunset. Gentle breeze rang the little bells as the clear chime echoed through the garden. Yet, there was no sign of Takagi anywhere.

"Maybe she's in here somewhere..." Nishikata mumbled.

"Ah! You won!" The moment Nishikata stepped foot into the shrine, he heard Takagi's voice from behind. She walked towards him with a smile on her face, not at all like a person who lost.

'I...won...?' Nishikata was stunned, not knowing how to feel about this unwanted victory. 'The one time I needed her to win, I won!'

"What should I give you~?" Takagi pondered to herself, then she smirked. "How about a kiss?"

Nishikata went bright red, as usual. "Eh? No! That's embarrassing!"

"Hahaha~ Just kidding~" Takagi laughed. "How about..."

She reached in her schoolbag for her pencil case, then she took an eraser from it and toss it at Nishikata. "Catch!"

"Wah!" Nishikata caught it and held it within his hand. "Why an eraser?"

"Not telling~" Takagi stuck her tongue out playfully. "And don't look inside the rap."

"Uh...oh..." Nishikata spaced out at the eraser. After a brief silence, he realized he hasn't accomplish his mission yet. "Let's have another contest, same punishment!"

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