Chapter 10: Teaser Becomes the Teased

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A/N Sorry it is taking so long to write. Thanks to everyone who is still reading. Its been a while since we've seen Takagi.

Takagi's POV

"I'm so sorry mom!"

I ran into her outstretched arms. I could feel the tears dropping on my head. I was crying as well.

"What was that all about?" she burst out

I explained everything, from my plan to feeling Nishikata stop me.

"You felt your boyfriend even though he passed away?"

I'm such a mess. Despite him holding me on the way home, despite we even KISSED I still get butterflies whenever someone calls him my boyfriend. He literally died for me and I still can't call him my boyfriend. Gah I'm such a mess.

A/N I finally got Takagi's character down. Takagi is a girl that teases Nishikata because she is too afraid to tell him that she loves him. She is nearly exactly like Nishikata but she hides it much better. It took me 10 whole chapters but I finally understand what her character is going to be like. I will copy and paste this into the first chapter.

"It was weird. I felt him hugging me. I felt him mom I really did!"

She looked puzzled still. She was a woman of science. She often worked late at the lab and her dad was only home for the weekends. Takagi spent much of her time alone. Her dad worked in Tatseboku inc. He always says his job is boring because he only prints papers but he always changed the subject whenever someone would ask. 

"whatever you say honey"

She was so warm and comforting. i cherished the moments that my mom was home. I could feel him mom... I really could 

Takagi falls asleep on the couch with her mother.

She awoke to find her mother rushing out the door. 


She looked up "Oh hey! your awake." She looked disorganized

"Yea... what time is it?" 

"8:30" she changed her expression to the annoyed look

I decided not to say "you should've gone to work an hour ago." That will only put her in a worse mood.

"Your dad will be home in an hour, Love you!"

"You forgot your glasses."

"Oops thank you!"

"Love you" I finished. 

She ran out the door as I turned on the television. Saturday morning cartoons are the best! I was scrolling through the channels when i found one that was playing 100% crush The Anime. I started watching and thought of Nishikata. I started crying again. I stayed like that much of the weekend.

"How was your weekend Takagi?" sumire greeted me at the front gate

"Pretty boring" I lied.

"Now, Now, don't lie to me"

"I'm not lying..."

"C'mon Takagi its written all over your face" 

She was... TEASING ME?!?

"Ok Ok fine I was crying a lot" I was hiding the anger i felt "Happy now?"

"Yes because now I can help you!" she turned to me with her cutest sympathetic face. "What's wrong Takagi?"

I couldn't hid the blush on my face because a lot of the kids around were looking at us now.


"Sh- shut up" i barely managed to get out

"HAHAHA you should've seen your face! Priceless!"

The bell struck a second too late. I could've gotten to class if it had struck 10 seconds earlier.

In class i just thought of this morning. I really picked up all of Nishikata's habits. I was becoming him. How dare she my so called "best friend" teasing me when I'm vulnerable I'll show her.

"TAKAGI!" Tanabe sensei shouted

"HUH?!" he caught me off guard

"What is the answer to #3"

"..." number 3, number 3, where is it? 

"oh uh.. I walked to the park with Mary"

"What?" he said, confused "Page 236. What do you think this is? English 1?"

I looked at my page number. It was page 47. I smacked my face I'm such an idiot.

Takagi keeps doing poorly in school with only herself to blame for the distractions. Sumire had been teasing her quite effectively knowing exactly how to get her. She falls behind on her homework and often falls asleep at her desk.

I wake up, lying in bed though I could've sworn that I fell asleep on my desk. confused I walked downstairs.

"Mom? Dad?"

No one was home. I checked everywhere. I decided to go outside. No one was here. I went to school. No one. I went to the beach. NO ONE. what is going on?? I slipped on the sand. 

I looked up and I heard I recognizable voice


I knew that voice. It couldn't be. No way. No way this is possible!

"Do you want to walk home together?"

A/N AHHH! ITS BEEN FAR TOO LONG. wow this chapter was on fire. It felt like three separate sections but this is still one of my favorite chapters so far. 

Who could the voice be??? I wonder whoo? lol

Next chapter hopefully tomorrow I already have a draft set up. also I'm too lazy to put an image in for every chapter. lol

Don't forget to smile,


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