Chapter 12

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Yosuke was sitting beside the girl, through the window you could see.. Warm rays of sunlight cascading through the city scape , it has been 3 months since he started living as a paid guest 

" Does this look right? " She asked him as she showed him the screen 

" You're a quick learner.. "

" Thanks..." She turned to him and he was just stretching on his bed 

" Damn… I kinda wish you didn't learn this quick.. "

" Why's that? "

" I mean if I teach you too quickly , I won't get a discount on the rent anymore.. "

" Wow you're money minded "

"Not that I would mind paying them rent, your grandparents are amazing "

" I'm glad I decided to stay with them"

" Welp… whatever you can save this one we'll work more on this tomorrow"

He went to the washroom while Claire saved the file on the laptop but while saving it she noticed a folder, "NSFW… " She knew what the phrase meant but she didn't want to breach over his privacy so she saved the file and switched off the laptop 

He returned after washing his hands, " Why'd you switch off the laptop? I needed to do something"

" Well… I was saving the file and I saw a folder named NSFW so I just closed it… "

" Are you accusing me of hiding porn? "

" NO!! I'M NOT!! "

" Well I have pictures of naked females there… So you wouldn't have been wrong "

" Don't you have a girlfriend? "

" She broke up with me a week ago…"

" Number? "

" Three.. "

" Jesus Christ, you've been here for three months and have already broken the hearts of 3 girls… you're a playboy "

" Don't call me that… they were the ones who asked me. All times. "

" I know but seriously.. " ," When he got his first girl friend I thought I was gonna have to give up but I now I think even if we do get together we won't work out " , " Don't you want a serious relationship or are just gonna play around forever "

" I didn't really have feelings for either one of them… I just didn't know how to reject them… "

" That aside why do you have those pictures "

" Someone asked me to edit the fingers in that image… I had already said yes, and taken the advance so I really couldn't refuse this time.. I'm never taking jobs like these again..i have to explain every time that, ' no that's not porn, ' ' no I can't give you these images or that girl will sue me for leaking nudes or something…'  "

" This time? So you've gotten these images before? Also what the hell kind of person asked you for the images?! "

" It was a friend he said he was joking and no this is the first time I've got a job like this… "

"Oh… is that why she left you? I don't think most girls would appreciate their boyfriend having pictures like that especially since they only started dating a few weeks ago.. "

" No… I wasn't spending enough time with her, she realised the difference between attraction and love so it was a pretty clean break up both times.. "

All of You is All of Me [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora