Chapter 29 : Self doubt

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Izumi was back inside… dealing with more guests… while mogami was still on the pier… 

" People aren't completely black or white… everyone is just a different shade of grey… some darker shades than others some lighter… and people can change their shades… " He leaned back on the railing… " It feels weird… I kind of just forgot she was a human not just some monster… "

" Maybe the blackmailing incident was an eye opener for her… no.. She knew what she was doing was wrong…  That was just what pushed her to try and change… " He sighed… " Human emotions are just so.. Bothersome… "

He wasn't one to talk about people behind their backs and even though he didn't approve of what she had done… he had sympathy for her… he couldn't keep it bottled up… he needed a human to talk to and he couldn't talk to his parents… 

He opened his phone scrolling through the contacts… the most used section… 5 contacts… his parents, nishikata, takagi , takagawa…. , he knew exactly who he could trust with keeping a secret.. It's not that he didn't trust nishikata or takagi but they were dealing with too much right now… so he dialed the number 

" Hello? "

" Hey Takagawa… "

" Mogami? Hey what's up.. ", " He took my number to send me pictures and never called or texted again so I forgot to save his contact " She made a mental note to save it later.. 

" I just felt like calling… "

" At 10:30 ? "

" It's that late? … sorry I'll call tomorrow… "

" Stop.. Let's talk… "

"Okay… so uh what are you doing right now? "

" A casual conversation… that's a first " ," Nothing much, just sorting the things in the apartment… we worked are asses off on the early internship now houjou and hamaguchi are leaving for theirs… I'm just helping tidy up the space… and setting up my room?"

" You're staying there..? "

"Yeah… Rie and Nishikata are gonna stay at his brother's place, you know, spend some time with the baby … she asked me to take care of lexi for a while… they all love kittens but they don't wanna take risks around the newborn "

" Ah.. I see… well you can take him back to the manor… we can keep him there… you can stay too? "

" You want me to? " She asked with a relative tame blush 

"Yeah.. I do… " He felt something weird in his stomach, fluttering butterflies.. , "you were gonna stay and play games for a month right? "

" Fine… but what will your parents think about this girl staying at their home for a month just to play games and take care of a kitten "

" They'll be happy I have friends now… the last time I had any friends was………. Anyway I'm glad you'll be there… "

" So what did you want to talk about… "

" You know I'm at a party right now…"

" I didn't see you as a party guy… "

" It's a bit political… it's Izumi's birthday… "

" Oh shit… are you alright? She didn't try anything did she?! "

" She didn't do anything… we just talked… " He slowly explained everything… 

" Oh… that's tragic… "

" It doesn't make sense… all this time I thought of her as this evil monster now she's suddenly a human.. There's also the fact that I'm technically responsible for what suzuki did to you…"

what are you to me? Part : 2 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now