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I lift my head up, a cold feeling overwhelming my cheek.

"Good morning," I hear a low voice chuckle.

I blink a few times and rub my eyes. "Luke!" I shout, throwing myself backward. I slip off the edge of the bed and land on my back on the floor.

"Woah," he says, leaning over the side. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to scare you."

I smack my hand over my mouth, attempting to hold back a laugh. When a snort slips out between my fingers, Luke starts laughing too.

"You -uh- left a little something," he laughs, as I stand up. I look over to him to see a drool spot on my pillow.

I quickly snatch it and throw it into the closet, "Shut up."

"So, when were you gonna tell me you snore?" Luke teases.

"I don't snore," my eyes roll into the back of my head.

"Oh, you don't know," he gasps, putting his hand over his mouth. He clicks his tongue before laughing.

"Stop," I whine, pushing his arm. "I didn't actually snore, did I?"

He nods, looking at the spot where I touched him.

I touched him.

"I touched you," I say.

He sits up on the edge of the bed and takes my hands in his.

"How?" I ask, though it comes out as a whisper.

"Trust me," Luke says, just as quiet. "It takes nearly all of the focus I have."

"So, last night," I pause. "You were actually touching my head?"

"Yeah," he nods, dropping one of my hands.

"I thought I was dreaming," I confess.

"You were dreaming about me?" Luke wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh, don't be gross," I make a disgusted face and let go of his hand.

"I'm just saying," he jokes. "That would explain the drool."

"Luke Patterson!" My voice comes out half an octave higher than usual.

"I'm messing with you, Dahl," he smiles. "I know you've got that Tiger thing."

"Luke," I say in a very scolding tone.

"Sorry," he apologizes quickly. "Tyler."

I nod as a thank you and walk over to the closet.

"What are we doing today?" Luke asks quickly.

"'We'?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah," he says.

"Well, I was thinking about calling Lydia to go get some breakfast somewhere," I answer.

"Oh," a disappointed look comes over Luke's face.

"Hey," I say, turning to face him and taking his face in my hands. "You spent the whole night with me remember?"

"You were asleep," he argues.

"True," I sigh. I look out the window and think. "How about you spend some time with Reggie while I'm gone?"

"Yeah, that'd be cool," Luke bobs his head. "Wait, what makes you say that?"

"My gut," I shrug.

"Well," he smiles then puts his face in front of my stomach. "Thank you."

I push his forehead back and laugh, "Just go find Reginald, dork."

He salutes me with two fingers before poofing out of my room.

I pick up my phone and open Snapchat. I take a picture nose up and type coffee and cressaints????

It only takes two minutes for Lydia to open it an snap me back.

when and where bbg

I smile and shake my head. I quickly throw my hair into a messy bun, too scared to try to brush it out while it's dry. I brush my teeth and splash my face with water, after changing into something more comfortable than the jeans I had slept in.

I text her back to meet me at Java, Java in 15 minutes. She sends a picture riding her bike and I get on my own.

"Hey girly," she says as we meet on the sidewalk.

"Hey," I smile, sliding my back into the rack. We both lock them up and head into the coffee shop.

"So," Lydia grins at me as we stand in line. "What happened to you last night?"

"What do you mean?" I laugh nervously.

"Well, you disappeared at Carrie's party and then the next time I see you Tyler Marks is carrying you out," she lowers her voice, her eyes darting around.

"I just got tired," I explain. "I basically passed out in his arms."

"Miss girl!" She says, too loud. The people in front of us turn around and give her a dirty look. Several people sitting at tables look up from their laptops and books to see who caused the disruption. Lydia makes a small wave and apologetic nod before looking back at me. She smacks my arm before continuing. "You have to tell me every detail."

"I don't know," I shake my head, feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket. "Every detail would be a little crazy." I get my phone out and see Tyler trying to FaceTime me. "It's Tyler."

I answer and smile. "Hey, Ty."

"Good morning," he says. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, I'm great," I say.

"Good," Tyler says, he must have spun where ever he was standing or sitting because suddenly the picture was very light. I could see the bright blue in his eyes. "You're not sick or anything then?"

"No, no," I say. "I was just over exerted last night. But I'm good now. Getting some coffee with Lydia." I tilt my phone to the side and show Lydia.

She waves, "Hi, Tyler."

He smiles and waves back. "Well, I'll let you go then."

"Okay," I say.

"Text me when you can yeah?" Tyler asks.

"Of course," I answer.

"Okay," he says, the right side of his mouth pulling into half a smile. "Bye."

"Bye," I say, hanging up. I get my phone all the way back in my pocket before Lydia attacks my arm. "What?"

"Tyler friggin Marks just FaceTime you," she squeals.

"He's just a person, Lydia," I laugh.

"He's a boy. A cute boy. A cute, athletic boy. A cute, athletic, artistic boy," she argues. "He's literally perfect, Dahlia."

I laugh and shake my head, "We're up next, weirdo."



I wrote this last night but I had already uploaded two chapters and I was very tired.

Now here I am sitting in my Forensic Science class, waiting for my lunch to come so I'm uploading now.

Have a friggin fantastic day!



Also... happy belated Womxn's Day!

Dear Dahlia // B1Where stories live. Discover now