Chapter 9

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Takagi stared at the window.. Aimlessly looking outside, the new classroom was on the third floor, from this height you could see past the trees that outlined the school… the sea was reflecting the sunlight back… she could say it helped her calm down… , nishikata was in the class a few doors away, at least they'd be able to walk home right? Their houses are literally next to each other so she had that going for her.. The seats were mostly filled up with students from other classes… as far she could tell, Sanae, Houjou, Sumire and she were the only people that she knew and were friends with… 

Yukari, mina, takao, mano, nakai, nishikata and hamaguchi were also in the same class , so you could say the entire friend group was split into two… she was a bit envious of nishikata who all of his friends with him, burn then again at least she wasn't alone, " I really was hopeful about being in the same class as him.. But sometimes the universe just doesn't cooperate ,I guess I can still walk with him… "

Takagi was sandwiched between sanae and houjou, with sumire all the way to the front, they were all in different classes for the secor year so now they were having fun chatting.. " Hey guys.. "

" Yo " Sanae nonchalant as usual replied 

" Good morning " Houjou tried to keep her calm demeanor but takagi could see through it immediately, hamaguchi was in the other class, but she refused to accept that hamaguchi's absence affected her in the slightest. 

" What happened to you two? " Sumire asked

" Something happened? They look the same to me.. " Sanae replied

" Nothing much happened… " 

Sumire knew better than to ponder as takagi wasn't saying anything and houjou wasn't accepting anything, as for sanae she didn't care what was going on , she was fully engrossed in her phone, but sanae too was a bit upset from being separated from the trio 

They eventually started talking about the empty seats in class 

" Apparently transfer students are coming next week so they are making space for them.. That's why we are being shuffled around a lot more, maybe some will have to change classes after they arrive" Houjou informed everyone 

" Transfer students huh? Judging by the seats they'll be seating next us " Takagi said 

Before long a teacher had arrived and told everyone to quite down, she gave the " First day speech " As if they hadn't already heard that many times, and the classes began 

While with nishikata… 

Nishikata scribbled something onto his notebook ,  " It's weird… all this is harder than what I've learnt but it's so much easier to understand!!.. I still have tanabe sensei as my teacher.. But it feels easier… maybe it's because I'm not having to think about all the ways I could get back at her and actually focus on the class.. "

The class felt like a breeze for once when tanabe sensei asked him any questions he was able to answer and even solve on the board, he wasn't questioning it be was enjoying it , he had performed decently without paying attention in class and now that he was paying attention everything felt easy 

After that Tanabe sensei wrote a string of questions on the board and went outside the class to check the halls for any students Skipping class

Nishikata quickly finished the problems and laid back on his chair, " If all of the third year goes like this I can get into any high school I want.."

He looked around the class, everyone was still writing, some were done and were staring off into space or just keeping their head down and sleeping , he turned to his side, there was a girl sitting on the desk beside him 

All of You is All of Me [Discontinued]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat