Part eighty

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(Chloe's POV)

"So that was interesting." Mom's voice came from my doorway.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me, I just...I guess I just sorta lost it. I promised myself a long time ago, that I would never be anyone's puppet again." I sighed starting up at my ceiling.

"You want to talk about what happened with your eyes?" I felt the bed dip and guessed she sat on the edge.

"It's a recent development. Not sure what it's about yet. But I'm gonna look into it." I sat up on my elbows to look at her.

"It's definitely an interesting, recent development. How many times has it happened?"

"This is the second time I think."

"Third." My head snapped to my door where Sam stood.

"What?" I questioned him. "No, second."

"Second time that you remember." He said cryptically. "When we went to L.A. and you blacked out and tried to kill me and Steve, your eyes turned black, and your voice changed. It was almost like you were possessed."

"Third time?" I asked once more.

"Yes. Third time. Why does it keep happening?" Sam asked leaning against the door frame.

"I-I honestly have no idea. It probably has something to do with my powers." I told them. I had an idea, this inkling feeling in the back of my head, but I brushed it aside.

"Alright. Well, Steve said something about having to go somewhere in a few days. Something about a funeral. Tony wants the rest of us back upstairs." He said looking at me. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

I smiled at him in thanks and he left. "You really won't sign?" Mom asked curiously.

"No. I'm sorry Mom. I can't. I just-"

"Hey." She stopped me mid-sentence. "You do not have to apologize. I completely understand where you're coming from. I understand your reasoning. If anything, the reason you had to go through what you did, the reason we're here, is because of a choice I made."


I stared in shock at her. "No, it's not Mom. It has nothing to do with you."

"Yes, it does Chloe. As a mother, your first job is to protect your child. I thought that was what I was going when I gave you away, but if I had known that they were going to come and-"

"But you couldn't have known. Not unless you secretly have clairvoyance powers that I didn't know about. I don't blame you for what happened to me. Should I? Maybe. But I don't. All you were trying to do was give me a chance." I told her and she started to cry.

I had never seen my mother cry before. So this was extremely new.

"When did you get so smart?" She asked wiping her eyes.

"I've always been this smart. You just never noticed." I joked making her laugh.

"Okay. Okay, but in all seriousness, what are you going to do? You're not signing, so what do you want to do?" She asked, her voice serious.

"I don't want to stay here. What's the point of not being a hero and having to live here? I wanna stay with Clint. If that's okay?" I told her picking at my bedspread.

"That's okay. I'll call him and let him know. Why don't you start packing alright?" She smiled.

"Okay." I nodded and she kissed the top of my head.

"I love you. No matter what. You know that right?"

"Mmhmm. I love you too." I smiled and she left the room. Getting up I closed my door and then put on some music. I turned it up as high as I could handle and started putting stuff into a suitcase.

I was oblivious to the world outside my room. Sucked into my music and focused on packing. That is until my phone rang.

Interrupting some really good music too.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Chloe? It's Sharon." I was taken aback at this. Mainly because I didn't even know how she got my number.

"Uh...hi, Sharon. How did you get this number?" I didn't really care, I was just curious.

"Chloe, my aunt died. Last night. I-I thought I should tell you. You really seemed to get along, and she really liked you." I could hear her trying to hold back tears.

"Oh, Sharon I'm so sorry. That sucks. Is there anything I can do?" I asked sadly.

Yeah, I only met the woman a few times, but she was smart and witty, I could see why Steve fell in love with her.

"No. I just...I just wanted you to know. We're having the funeral in a few days, so I have to get back to planning." Her voice kept shaking and I felt so bad for her.

"Okay. Again, I'm really sorry Sharon." I smiled sadly.

"Thanks. I'll let you go now. Bye."

"Bye." And with that, she hung up and I was left sitting there, my mind racing.


"Oh no." I rushed up and out of my room running down the hallway.

Knocking gently in his door, I heard a soft "come in". Pushing open the door, I watched him putting things into a bag.

I wasn't really sure what to do because I don't think I had ever really been in his room before.

"I heard you were leaving?" I spoke after a moment. He nodded his head without stopping.

"I have to go to a funeral." I watched his movements and realized he was crying.

"I'm sorry. She was really nice. I liked her a lot." I smiled and he froze.

"What do you mean? Who?" He turned still holding a shirt in his hand.

"Peggy? I met her when I went to D.C. and got to know her. It was nice." I told him and he seemed to almost shatter.

"How did you know?"

"Probably the same way you did. It doesn't really matter. I'm sorry she's gone." I sighed and he sat down on his bed.

"Are you going to the funeral?" He asked.

"No. And even if I wanted to, I'm leaving. Going on vacation." I smiled, sitting next to him.

"Vacation?" He cocked his eyebrow.

"Yep. I think after everything, I've earned it." I joked.

"You have. Enjoy your time off." He smiled slightly at me.

"Thanks. I'm sorry about Peggy." I put my hand on his shoulder before leaving the room to finish packing.

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