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In the  clear blue sky, not a single cloud could be seen wondering.

The blinding sunlight opened up a clear line of sight to the horizon, where each detail of the majestic massifs along the coast line could be picked up.

In one of the mountains, oak trees shielded the inhabitances of the forest from the blazing sunlight, along with four visitors.

At the very front was a young girl skipping away weightlessly. Her long brown hair danced in the air with each hop, like a fairy of the woods.

Behind her, a pair of couple were talking away in their own little world. They walked side by side, hand in hand. The girl was blushing yet smiling happily, while the boy didn't seem to mind all that much.

Finally, at the very back of the group, heavy footsteps disturbed the tiny worms resting in the dirt. Solid footprints marked themselves on the carpet of leaves, sticks, and pebbles.

"Come on, Nishikata!" The girl at the front stopped and turned around, letting the couple pass her first. "You are so slow~"

"You...got...me...into...this..." The boy named Nishikata grunted. On his back were two hiking packs, and a tent, which were surely the source of the weight. "Wait...a...minute...Takagi...san...!"

Takagi-san, no, Takagi skipped her way in front of Nishikata, who was panting with both his hands supporting against his knees. "YOU got yourself into this." She leaned forward. "You lost your own contest, this is just your punishment."

"Uh..." Nishikata naturally couldn't say anything, he started it after all. "F...fine..."

"Come on, we're almost there." Takagi smiled. "I'll help with the tent."

When it comes to spring vacations for all student around Japan, it symbolizes growth. Once the vacations is over, everyone goes up a grade. First graders become senpais, and senpais becomes newbies somewhere else. Therefore, most people will try to enrich themselves during the vacation, trying to become more mature. The same goes for Nishikata as well, though he didn't call for this trip.

"We're here!" Nakai's voice called out from the end of the woods, giving Nishikata hopes.

Takagi and Nishikata made their way out of the forest, and they were met with a beautiful field. A broad plain led by a slope, down to a gorgeous lake as clear as a mirror, beside it was a little wooden pavilion and shad. The sunlight reflected off the surface of the lake, making sparkles that spread through out.

"How did you know this place!?" Nishikata gasped.

"This is my grandpa's secret base." Nakai replied. "We camped here a lot, it's a beautiful place." He pointed at the two wooden structures besides the lake. "My grandpa built those. The shad is for showering."

Nishikata wowed. "This is amazing, you have everything here!"

"Let's set up the tents first." Mano suggested.

The group went down beside the lake and set the campsite up quickly. Two double tents, one for the boys, the other for the girls. After having Takagi's homemade sushi for lunch, they were ready to officially start the fun.

With Nakai leading the way, the bunch was on their way up a trail, which Nakai had promise incredible views of.

"Thank goodness the sky is clear." Nakai looked up into the clear blue sky. "It's gonna be a great day for stargazing!"

"I didn't know you were that into stars before." Nishikata commented.

"I'm not." Nakai shook his head. "But the last time I came here with Mano, it was cloudy, so we couldn't see anything. She was so upset." He shrugged. "I just want to make up for her regret, I guess."

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