Chapter 8

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Takagi was in the dining room finishing breakfast and about to leave for school when suddenly a voice echoed from the hallway 

"Yosuke!! come back here!!!! " Their mom just shouted at yosuke who was just trying to run away from her 



the two of them began an intense chase around the house until they reached the kitchen when her mom shouted, " RIE HOLD HIM STILL "

Takagi didn't even hesitate to tackle her brother, and started to tickle him, " Ticklish sides the only real weakness he has, I remember nishikata has ticklish sides too… "

Before he could shake her off, their mother had taken his phone… 


" I'll explain, just give me my phone!!!"

" Rie tickle him more "

Takagi had no idea what was going on but started to tickle him anyway, when he was out of breath and on the floor, she finally asked, " What exact is happening here? "

" Yosuke left his phone on the dinning room table and a call came… "

" A call? ", " She wouldn't be this mad for something small… "

" The call was from some 'lube giffy girl' at least thats what her name is saved as.… "

Takagi's eyes went wide and she looked back at yosuke, " What the hell kind of contact is that?! "

" Don't you think you should ask these questions before you tackle me to the ground and tickle me?! " Yosuke scoffed , his face was completely red with both exhaustion and embarrassment

"Then when I asked this he just ran away from me "

" Mom, you didn't ask me you just tries to steal my phone and started getting aggressive " He argued back 

" Cut me off one more time and tickles won't be the only thing you have to worry about "

"But she's the one who told me to start explaining-" He thought to himself 

" I just checked the chats and he's going to meet up with this girl today at a hotel… "

Takagi was shocked and looked back at his brother, " Don't you have a girlfriend??? Or am I missing something?? "

" Rie, I have a girlfriend and- "

" I THOUGHT MY SON WAS HIRING PROSTITUTES " The mom shouted in exasperation 

" Mom why don't get a megaphone and tell the entire world? Stop shouting " His face was even more red than before 

Her mom snapped, and takagi froze, her mom's voice was now calm and chilling… " You better explain yourself right now or else "

" Finally a conversation without shouting " , " first of all mom, Rie.. I'm not cheating on Claire, she is still my girlfriend "

" You know the name ' lube giffy girl ' is quite… you know…suggestive..." Takagi stammered , having trouble finding words to describe " If I say a bad word now then some of her anger will come on me… "

" I'm not hiring a prostitute rie.. If I was trying to, I would have hidden it so well that mom would have never found out "

" And yet I have… I'm honestly a bit more disappointed than angry "

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