Chapter 8: Close call

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A/N I've got nothing to say so I guess I'll just start.

Nishikata's POV:

Who was that on the cliffs? He casually walked over. Its the middle of the night, who would be out this late? as he came closer he saw the figure of a girl. about his age in a wavy blue dress. He covered his mouth making sure he wouldn't say anything on mistake.

"I don't think I can do this anymore... I'm sorry mom, and dad. I'm sorry Sumire and Houjou. This is good bye. I am really glad I got to spend that last day at the mall with you... 




I'm... sorry"

At that moment I saw her start to tip off the edge. She was planning to commit suicide! I uncovered my mouth and shouted... I knew that girl... THAT WAS TAKAGI!


Takagi's POV:

I knew what I wanted to do. I said my final words and started to tip. I knew that i wasn't going to survive. But I didn't care. I'm the one who was responsible for his death. I can't live WITHOUT HIM! 




But then I heard it. I heard a voice. Not any voice, the voice of Nishikata! But it did not sound like he was behind me. I looked back to be sure and through my tears I quietly called out 


Of course he wasn't there. I saw him get buried. Terrified, I wanted to turn back and just jump but as I psyched up for it. I felt a presence wrap around me. It was like I was in a warm hug. And through my tears I wanted to hug it back but no one was there. 

A voice, exactly like Nishikata's said in my head "I won't let you jump" In the kindest, most loving tone I could imagine. 

Nishikata's POV:

"I won't let you jump" I said holder her in my arms

I didn't understand why I got so confidant or why she could hear me. but I knew that I wouldn't let her jump because in that split second I finally realized what life means. And I would not let Takagi throw hers away like that.

"Don't throw your life away for me, I am always here for you. Let's go back I'll walk you the whole way home..."

She walked the whole way home and Nishikata wrapped his arms around her so she wouldn't feel lonely.

Takagi's POV:

I felt Nishikata's presence and his words pierced my heart. Don't throw your life away struck me and that's all I could think about the whole walk home. Over and over they would play. I couldn't stop thinking about it. How is Nishikata talking to me? i didn't care. I could feel him hugging me the whole way and I was surprised at the courage he got. He's already hugging me. I loved it.

Nishikata's POV

We got to Takagi's house and she went in but I stayed out. It was nearly 1 am. And I saw her mother come down crying, shocked and relieved. I turned and sat down on thin air. a little trick I already learned. I was startled by a angry looking spirit. She came down and smacked me across the face.

"OWW! What was that for!?"

"I told you not to talk to her or hug her!" it was grandma

"SHE WAS GONNA JUMP!" I screamed back. 

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