Chapter 7

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Yosuke didn't exactly know why his sister had suddenly decided to confront him but , but he got a slight feeling it had something to do with him helping nishikata, " Okay Rie why did you call me here? "

" You know damn well why I called you "

" I have no idea what you're talking about " He said brushing her off

" Don't even try to lie, I need you to stop teaching him whatever you're teaching him.. "

" Oh? I still don't understand what you're trying to say " Yosuke replied nonchalantly " I didn't offer to teach him, he asked I answered "

" Stop that "

" Why ?"

"cause I said so, you're making it more difficult "

" You know what rie.. You have one hell of an ego.. "

" What? "

" Nevermind that, but do you honestly think I'll ever give up a chance to mess with you, annoying you is passion of mine, and if helping him makes you angry then that's exactly what I'll do from now on "

" Why do you hate me so much?! What did I ever do to you?! "

" I don't hate you.. Well not that much anyway... It's just that you have always been the sheltered ,protected child, mom and dad always pamper you like you're a Princess... you remember three years ago when you set the house curtains on fire using a magnifying glass..."

Takagi froze " Oh right... I remember that... "

" I was supposed to babysit this little girl who doesn't even have the sense to not light her house on fire, but viola who do you think was punished? "

" I remember he got so mad at me that he didn't speak to me for three weeks... It was the middle of summer vacation ... I was a girl who couldn't go outside alone, and after watching and getting bored of everything on TV... Playing with him was really my only option for entertainment ", " I apologized didn't I? "

" Oh spare me Wonder Woman, you only apologized because you got bored out of your mind , since I refused to even speak to you, and everyone was too busy, you couldn't even visit your friends because you didn't remember the addresses , you didn't feel bad or anything like that "

" It's not like that... " Takagi felt her argument getting weaker. ..

" You have always been self centered, admit it already, and since then I get blamed for a lot of things which where your fault " He made a face and imitated her fathers voice " Yosuke you should have taken care " He changed his expression and now in their mom's voice said " Yosuke you need to be mature now "

" Why the hell is winning against him in an argument literally impossible "

" Mom and dad truly believe that their little innocent girl never does anything bad, mark my words the day the sun explodes and the earth ends dad and mom will somehow blame it on me.... and if I'm gonna get punished anyway I might as have fun messing with you"

" Am I really that mean? I mean people say I'm a nice person..."

" If that's the case maybe I should be worried about you hating me for no reason, because to me you're basically just a prick... " He got up from his seat after completely destroying her argument over and over again

" I don't want to be reminded of my brother every time I talk with him..."

Yosuke stopped in his tracks " Actually.. That's fair.. I'll try to interfere less... "

" I was half expecting him to continue anyway.. "

" I won't try to ruin your relationship with nishikata... I'm better than that..." He said that and left

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